International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific is a feminist organisation committed to the full realisation of women's human rights through the pursuit of equality.
We act to disrupt structures, systems and institutions that violate women's human rights, and we engage in movement building that amplifies women’s voices and activism to create alternative political narratives and spaces.

From the Blog

Feminist Organizing on Uncertain Ground: The case of Bangladesh

IWRAW Asia Pacific has been a consortium lead of the Women Gaining Ground (WGG) project in partnership with CREA and Akili Dada since 2021. WGG is being implemented in collaboration with 16 in-country partners (in Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda), focusing on addressing gender-based violence (GBV) and increasing the leadership of young women and […]

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Border CTRL: Citizenship as a site of exclusion

Concluding this series on the Global South Women’s Forum (GSWF) 2023, we explore the theme of citizenship as a site of exclusion. This final instalment provides a snapshot of the diverse and often challenging experiences of women from and across the Global South as they navigate discriminatory nationality laws and visa regimes. The discussions were rich […]

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The UK’s Extraterritorial Obligations and the Right to Health in a Time of Polycrisis

This report was submitted on behalf of the Feminists for a People’s Vaccine Campaign, of which IWRAW Asia Pacific is a member, and the Campaign Against Racism, to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD Committee) in advance of its review of the UK. It focuses on the right to health in the context of the ongoing ‘post’-pandemic crisis regarding access to medicines; a growing global debt crisis; and the crisis of impunity in relation to the Palestinian genocide.

Read the report in Word or PDF format.

Joint Civil Society Statement: Repeal punitive laws against poverty and inequality

In June 2024, the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights and the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing issued their study Breaking the cycle: Ending the criminalization of homelessness and poverty. This study was welcomed by the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women, the Women and Harm Reduction International Network, Harm Reduction International, IWRAW Asia Pacific and the Sexual Rights Initiative, who jointly prepared a statement of support.

Watch the video or read the text of the statement.

CEDAW Sessions

Pacific Technical Cooperation Session

Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu (April 2025)

91st CEDAW Session (to be confirmed)

Afghanistan, Botswana, Chad, Mexico, Monaco, San Marino, Thailand (June 2025)

93rd CEDAW Pre-Sessional Working Group (to be confirmed)

Angola, Comoros, Guinea-Bissau, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Paraguay, Poland, Syria (July 2025)

92nd CEDAW Session (to be confirmed)

Cabo Verde, Czech Republic, El Salvador, Iraq, Lesotho, Lithuania, Netherlands, Vietnam (October 2025)

94th CEDAW Pre-Sessional Working Group (to be confirmed)

Brunei, Cameroon, Ghana, India, Sierra Leone (October 2025)

Upcoming Events

IWRAW Asia Pacific at CSW69

Catch IWRAW Asia Pacific, our partners and collaborators at the 69th Commission on the Status of Women! We will be hosting several NGO CSW Parallel Events and look forward to connecting and holding power with the global feminist movement.