Written submission by IWRAW Asia Pacific to the CEDAW Committee regarding the draft General Recommendation on Trafficking in Women and Girls in the context of Global Migration

Written submission by IWRAW Asia Pacific to the CEDAW Committee regarding the draft General Recommendation on Trafficking in Women and Girls in the context of Global Migration

February 2019

This written submission is the outcome of a Global Convening on Trafficking in the context of Global Migration organised by IWRAW Asia Pacific and the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) in January 2019. Over 40 representatives from women’s rights, labour rights and migrants’ rights groups participated at the convening. They included migrant workers, domestic workers, sex workers, legal practitioners, service providers as well as CEDAW Committee members, UN Special Procedures and representatives from ILO and UN Women. The participants shared their analysis of the structural causes of trafficking, discussed positive and negative examples of anti-trafficking laws and policies and collectively developed recommendations for the CEDAW Committee as it prepares the General Recommendation on Trafficking in the context of Global Migration.