Towards a Strengthened UN Treaty Body System: Civil Society Proposals

Towards a Strengthened UN Treaty Body System: Civil Society Proposals

November 2019

In April 2014, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution 68/268 aimed at strengthening the functioning of the human rights treaty bodies and deciding to evaluate the implementation of the resolution in 2020. Alongside this process, several initiatives have been taken by different actors, proposing reforms to the treaty bodies’ procedures for examining State reports (State reporting procedure).

For its part, civil society has mobilised and put forward a Joint NGO Proposal which seeks to strengthen the effectiveness of the treaty body system by promoting regular and predictable human rights reviews for all States and increased implementation of recommendations, whilst reinforcing one treaty body system, which is accessible to rights holders and civil society. This Proposal has been the subject of numerous consultations in Geneva, including with national and regional NGOs.