Peace and Conflict

IWRAW AP has been addressing the issues, gaps and challenges women and women’s rights groups/networks face to ensure substantive equality and non-discrimination in situations of conflict and post-conflict. We are continuously raising the discrimination faced by women in the conflict context in various policy platforms, particularly with CEDAW.

Recognising the need to strengthen reporting by women’s rights organisations on issues affecting women in conflict/post-conflict contexts and the complementarity of CEDAW General Recommendation 30 and UN Security Council Resolution 1325, we have developed tools and knowledge resources. The application of GR 30 through the robust nature of the CEDAW review process enhances the concepts and norms related to state accountability, highlights current and emerging issues of conflict-affected women and strengthens the implementation of UNSCR 1325 as a complementary mechanism.

IWRAW AP is also co-convener and the coordinating group member of the Asia Pacific Women’s Alliance for Peace and Security (APWAPS), working to strengthen women’s leadership on peace and security in the region and enhance accountability for women’s rights in conflict and post-conflict and in peacebuilding.

We Work With

  • Women’s Rights Organisations
  • United Nations Treaty Bodies, Special Procedures and Mandate-Holders
  • CEDAW Committee

Programme in Action

In 2011, IWRAW AP along with collaborating partners as well as other organisations, made written and oral submissions to the CEDAW Committee on the day of general discussion on the draft general recommendation on women in armed conflict and post-conflict situations (GR 30). We supported UN Women and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to organise and facilitate the Asia Pacific Regional Consultation on GR 30 in March 2012 with the CEDAW Working Group on the proposed GR. IWRAW AP continues to consistently engage with the CEDAW Committee and in particular the Working Group on CEDAW General Recommendation 30 on women in conflict prevention, conflict and post-conflict situations. We work to ensure that the key issues and contexts raised by women’s rights activists, organisations and peace networks on accountability of State and non-state actors in protecting women’s human rights in the conflict and post-conflict settings are reflected in the GR 30.

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