A Human Rights-Based Approach to COVID-19

A Human Rights-Based Approach to COVID-19

September 2022

Although the right to the highest standard of health is a universal one, the COVID-19 epidemic did not and does not reflect this. COVID-19 didn’t cause the world’s imbalances, but it didn’t help, either. Neither did the activity (or lack thereof) of individual countries.

But there is a way to make States accountable. For the Feminists for a People’s Vaccine podcast, Constanza Pauchulo (IWRAW AP), Camila Maia (CELS) and Meena Jagannath (Movement Law Lab) tell the stories of how they activated the international human rights system against the failure of States and also pharma companies to prevent and eliminate gender and racial discrimination in the pandemic.

Duration: 29:01
Transcript: English

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or click below to access on Feminists for a People’s Vaccine website, including options to download recording and to view or download transcript [PDF format].