sex work trafficking - IWRAW Asia Pacific - Page 10

Monitoring Work and Working Conditions of Women Employed in the Ready-Made Garment Industries of Bangladesh

April 20th, 2019

This 12-page PDF from Karmojibi Nari outlines working conditions among a sample of over 1000 women garment workers from over 100 factories in Gazipur and Narayanganj.  …

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Privatisation and corporate capture

November 22nd, 2021

Feminist criticisms of conventional macroeconomic policies: Work performed by women is seen as dispensable Decision making and transparency   Feminist criticisms of conventional macroeconomic policies Privatisation and corporate capture1‘Corporate capture’…

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Monitoring Work and Working Conditions of Women Employed in the Ready-Made Garment Industries of Bangladesh

December 20th, 2018

This 12-page PDF from Karmojibi Nari outlines working conditions among a sample of over 1000 women garment workers in Dhaka.    …

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Our Work

February 27th, 2018

…areas identified as important by our partners, as well as by our analysis of new and emerging issues in the external environment. Our way of working has always been to…

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How We Work

February 15th, 2018

Our way of working has always been to create a culture of compliance with CEDAW and other human rights treaties through a range of strategies. These include strengthening the capacities…

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Joint Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women

December 16th, 2020

Written together with our partners at Sexual Rights Initiative and the Global Network of Sex Work Projects, this submission focuses on the limitations of a carceral approach to addressing sexual…

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Foro de las Mujeres del Sur Global sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible 2020: Desmontar la MacroeconomĂ­a

November 3rd, 2020

…recursos que surgieron de estos eventos. También nos gustaría agradecer de manera calurosa a la Red Mundial de Proyectos para el Trabajo Sexual (Global Network of Sex Work Projects; NSWP)…

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Post-Bali reflections: The insider strategy

November 29th, 2018

…campaigning against the privatisation of water; the many Indonesian women who travel overseas as domestic workers, facing harsh working conditions; and women and girls who cannot go to school (let…

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IWRAW Asia Pacific welcomes new executive director

June 26th, 2024

…to enrich our work. We are confident that with her leadership, IWRAW Asia Pacific’s work on the frontlines of advocacy for women’s human rights and gender equality will continue and…

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Indicator framework

December 30th, 2021

…example, there is a lack of data relating to aspects of life that women put more work into (such as care work, house work, social relationships etc.) and disaggregation (i.e….

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