sex work trafficking - IWRAW Asia Pacific - Page 11

Financing for Development (FfD) process

December 30th, 2021

…for Development consists of women’s organisations working to ensure a gender perspective and economic justice principles within Financing for Development work. Women’s Major Group also has a permanent working group…

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Arab Feminist Civil Society Perspective Regarding States’ Policies on Economic Justice and Rights

December 17th, 2020

…and insufficient legal protection (3) adverse social norms and sexual harassment at the workplace Speakers discuss what needs to be achieved from Arab governments in the coming five years in…

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Feminist demands for environmental and climate justice: Realities, resistance and resilience

August 4th, 2020

…IWRAW AP intends to use the General Recommendation in our work as a basis for our advocacy towards achieving environmental and climate justice in the CEDAW space. In 2019, IWRAW…

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Sustainable Development

February 22nd, 2018

…Sustainable Development. We are also focused on connecting the human rights framework to the sustainable development framework as we believe that development priorities based on human rights would enhance accountability…

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Romani women’s struggle for human rights

April 6th, 2018

…help my Romani clients, among whom are many young Romani women. I work to secure justice for them in cases of institutional discrimination by using the international human rights framework

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Business and Women’s Human Rights

February 22nd, 2018

…framework to demonstrate the gender-specific impact of corporate abuses and work to strengthen understanding on gender-sensitive approaches to business and human rights so that women’s experiences are not rendered invisible….

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Violence Against Women

February 22nd, 2018

…Our work focuses on using the CEDAW framework as a conceptual tool and an advocacy space to address positive and negative norms that influence ideas, behaviours and laws around GBVAW….

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5 examples of closing space for civil society and what we can do about it

March 8th, 2018

Workers in Vietnam’s Electronics Industry” on the working conditions at Samsung’s mobile phone factories in Vietnam. The numerous and alarming findings included the fact that none of the workers had…

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Unzipping CEDAW: A Guide to the Rights of Key Affected Women and Girls

June 23rd, 2016

…the sexual and reproductive health and rights of key affected women and girls, including use of CEDAW to advance the rights of trans people, sex workers, and other marginalised groups….

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Main institutions of macroeconomics: Central banks

January 5th, 2022

…in specific sectors) or gender employment discrimination (employees or applicants being treated less favourably because of their sex or gender). The same policies may not create the same outcomes in…

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