sex work trafficking - IWRAW Asia Pacific - Page 19

Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 1

January 1st, 2014

Four-page PDF giving updates on IWRAW’s work and highlights of 2013….

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Building a Feminist Future: Towards a Feminist and Human-Rights-Based Global Social Pact on Care

December 17th, 2020

This session, held by ESCR-Net at Global South Women’s Forum 2020, addresses the uneven social organisation of care work and presents a framework to reframe the economic system as a…

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February 13th, 2018

IWRAW Asia Pacific Policies All IWRAW Asia Pacific representatives are strictly bound by IWRAW Asia Pacific’s Child Protection Policy and Child Protection Code of Conduct, and our work is informed…

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A Feminist Approach to Economic Justice

October 4th, 2018

Outlining our aims, motivations and activities, this four-page information brief connects IWRAW Asia Pacific’s work on women’s economic, social and cultural rights and business and women’s human rights. Challenges highlighted…

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Dispatch from Bali: Saying it loud and clear

October 8th, 2018

…using their power to restrain the voices of civil society. We saw Samsung threaten the NGOs which published a critical review of the unsafe working conditions in Samsung factories. In…

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Creating and Spreading Feminist Knowledge

October 13th, 2018

Roua Seghaier of Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research based in Lebanon shares their work of challenging the borders between what is considered academic and non-academic knowledge. Duration:…

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Claiming Economic Rights for Women with Disabilities in Nepal

August 3rd, 2019

Laxmi Nepal of Blind Women Association Nepal describes the work carried out by her organisation to empower women with disabilities, and blind and visually impaired women in particular, through legal…

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Resisting Sexual Harassment in Vietnam

August 5th, 2019

Nguyen Thi Phuong Thanh describes the work of Y.Change in Vietnam, with particular focus on challenging the normalisation of workplace sexual harassment and victim-blaming responses. Duration: 4:30 Subtitles: English…

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#CuarentenaSinTransfobia: COVID-19 and the gender binary in Latin America

August 25th, 2020

…of the work in the home, was subjecting women to a higher potential exposure to the virus, and thereby putting their health at greater risk. Women have additionally been at…

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Joint Civil Society Letter on 2021 UN Treaty Body Reviews in the COVID-19 Context

October 2nd, 2020

Signed by over 500 NGOs from around the world, this letter calls attention to the pandemic’s disruption of the work of the Treaty Bodies, urges them and their Secretariats to…

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