sex work trafficking - IWRAW Asia Pacific - Page 6


February 13th, 2018

…Her work has encompassed building inclusive and intersectional feminist leadership and movements; advancement of sexual and reproductive health rights; developing responses to sexual and gender-based violence; influencing and reviewing national,…

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Through the looking glass: CEDAW sessions within a hybrid model

August 12th, 2022

…There was a continued reluctance on the part of many state delegates to define discrimination with specific mentions of gender, sexuality or assigned sex. In the review for Portugal, the…

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The making of AWARE’s Saga podcast

June 8th, 2021

…to a far wider range of LGBT organisations than ever before — working together to shrug off the yoke of Section 377A of our Penal Code (which prohibits gay sex),…

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Advancing Gender Equality in the World of Work

May 8th, 2021

…the discourse on women’s human rights in the world of work and the instrumentalist gender approach to the women and work agenda. It continues our work in cross-movement building and…

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The Human Rights Violations Behind ‘End Demand’ Laws

October 27th, 2020

…the deeply negative impact of ‘End Demand’ laws on the human rights of sex workers, and to encourage collective action to demand State accountability for violations of sex workers’ rights….

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What do women’s rights have to do with the SDGs and the internet?

February 18th, 2018

…cyber crime are put in place to grant the State sweeping powers to restrict people’s, and especially women’s, right to information, freedom of expression, sexuality, sexual rights, right to bodily…

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Shadow Report Guidelines on Women’s Right to Work and Women’s Rights at Work

April 12th, 2019

…UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. It also specifically addresses the rights of women factory workers, domestic workers, plantation workers, home-based workers, rural workers and migrant workers.  …

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“If It Doesn’t Work for Women, It Absolutely Doesn’t Work at All”: Barbara Adams

February 25th, 2021

The private sector’s focus on profitability, governmental failure to properly tax the wealthy, and decisions on money allocation are all crucial factors affecting the Sustainable Development Goals. Ultimately, these impact…

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A purple economy

November 23rd, 2021

…Economy: working-towards-a-just-feminist-economy-final-web.pdf Yet, as we have discussed throughout the starter kit, care work is not sufficiently recognised, valued, and redistributed to ensure that women are not burdened by it….

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Imagining a Feminist Future of Work

June 11th, 2019

…and women workers including sex workers, factory workers, NGO workers, migrant workers, informal workers, freelance workers and unpaid care workers. We explored whether existing legal and human rights frameworks are…

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