sex work trafficking - IWRAW Asia Pacific - Page 8

Руководство По Составлению Теневых Докладов О Правах Секс-работников В Клдж

October 8th, 2021

…and providing alternative information to the CEDAW Committee on the theme of rights of sex workers. Russian translation provided by Sex Workers’ Rights Advocacy Network (SWAN). Also available in English….

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Global South Women’s Forum 2021: Co-creating spaces for Global South feminist visions of environmental justice

October 14th, 2021

…well as putting women at greater risk of physical and sexual violence. Others shared how the continuing repercussions of colonialism affect how communities experience the devastating impacts of extreme weather…

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How the ‘business case’ for gender equality sidelines human rights

February 18th, 2018

…imply that women’s rights to work are only useful because there are quantifiable economic returns. This is a shift away from a human rights perspective under which rights to work

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Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value

March 8th, 2020

Work which is typically performed by women is often undervalued and undercompensated. But how can we compare different jobs, especially where the division of labour tends to be gendered? This…

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Essential Labour: Reflections from Fearless Collective’s Work with Muslim and Dalit Wastepickers in Delhi

December 14th, 2020

Fearless Collective shares their work in Delhi, reflecting on the conversations they had with a community of Muslim and Dalit wastepickers – what is considered essential to them? How do…

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“The success of women’s work rests on political co-optability”: Lessons from overturning Kazakhstan’s ban on women’s employment

December 10th, 2021

…for three decades with little up-to-date scientific grounding barring women from working in more than 20 economically profitable fields (e.g. transportation). Prohibited jobs were listed and enforced by ministerial decrees,…

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The trouble with young women

July 31st, 2024

…it became acceptable for women to leave their homes and work as ASHA workers,2ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activists) are trained community health workers selected from village residents. and Anganwadi3Anganwadi centres…

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The COVID-19 pandemic, macroeconomy and women

December 28th, 2021

…care responsibilities, women make up the majority of part-time, informal, and service workers. These include domestic workers, blue-collar workers, sex workers, etc. They are the first ones to lose their…

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Building Inclusive Economies: The Intersection of CEDAW and Macroeconomic Policy

July 10th, 2024

…the establishment of care facilities for both childcare and elderly care, as well as the allocation of resources for centres catering to women who have been victims of trafficking and/or…

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The Business of Women’s Human Rights

June 27th, 2014

trafficking, engagement with non-state actors and CEDAW, this paper explores strategic uses of the UN Guiding Principles in collaboration with businesses, and highlights examples of challenges encountered in Cambodia, Malaysia…

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