FACT Manifesto
April 2020
The Manifesto on Feminist Approaches to Counter Trafficking (FACT Manifesto) is based upon and builds on the extensive feminist analysis and writing by activists and scholars who have long critiqued globally dominant narratives on the issue of trafficking in women, recognising that they stem from sexist, racist, heteronormative, patriarchal and neoliberal conceptions of women, labour […]
Read MoreAddressing Human Trafficking: The Case for Open Borders
Samuel Okyere of the University of Bristol discusses the obstacles to safe and accessible means of migration which keep traffickers in business. Duration: 5:07 Subtitles: English, Spanish Hacer frente a la trata: el caso de las fronteras abiertas Samuel Okyere, de la Universidad de Bristol, debate sobre los obstáculos para migrar de manera segura y […]
Read MoreFrom ‘Stop Migration’ to Safe Migration
Pooja of Srijan Foundation and the Jharkhand Anti-Trafficking Network makes the case that there are no benefits to the ‘stop migration’ approach because people will always seek to migrate if there are insufficient opportunities at home, and recommends an end to protectionist policies in order to empower women. With thanks to Ishita Dutta, Meenu Batra […]
Read MoreDemanding Accountability for Human Trafficking in the Global Economy
Sanyu Awori from the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre explains how trafficking and related exploitation occur not only as a result of transnational criminal networks, but also as part of the operation of legitimate business. Sanyu Awori, del Centro de Recursos sobre los Negocios y los Derechos Humanos, explica cómo la trata y la […]
Read MoreDistinguishing Between Migrant Sex Workers and Trafficking Victims
Phelister Abdallah of KESWA describes how sex workers in Kenya are organising in the fight against human trafficking. With thanks to Selena Ponce for Spanish translation. Phelister Abdallah, de KESWA, describe cómo se organizan les trabajadores sexuales de Kenia para luchar contra la trata. Gracias a Selena Ponce por la traducción al español. Duration: 4:52 […]
Read MoreTrafficking at the Intersections of Gender, Migration, Labour and Development
Borislav Gerasimov of the Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women discusses the importance of different international legal frameworks and the need to ensure complementarity in addressing human trafficking. Borislav Gerasimov, de la Alianza Mundial contra la Trata de Mujeres, habla sobre la importancia de los diferentes marcos legales internacionales y la necesidad de asegurarnos de […]
Read MoreA Rights-Based Approach to Trafficking
Archana Kotecha of Liberty Shared explains why a cross-border, cross-sector and cross-disciplinary countertrafficking movement is crucial, and why victim care must take priority. With thanks to Selena Ponce for Spanish subtitles. Un enfoque con base en los derechos humanos para acabar con la trata Archana Kotecha, de Liberty Shared, explica por qué es esencial que […]
Read MoreAnalysing the Structural and Systemic Causes of Trafficking in the Context of Global Migration
In December 2019, IWRAW Asia Pacific held a global convening in Nairobi which brought together experts from around the world to discuss trafficking in the context of global migration, to make recommendations for the forthcoming CEDAW General Recommendation on the topic, and to come up with a Feminist Anti-Trafficking Manifesto. This outcome video features Priyanthi […]
Read MoreWomen’s Rights Obligations of States in the Context of Climate Change
March 2020
From the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) and the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR), this eight-page PDF summarises the CEDAW Committee’s statements and Concluding Observations relating to climate change up to 2020.
Read MoreCEDAW Elections: An Introductory Guide
March 2020
A six-page PDF on the CEDAW election process, including timeline for the 2020 elections, information on regional representation among candidates, and how NGOs can get involved to ensure that CEDAW Committee members have a strong track record of advocating for women’s human rights.
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