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Displaying 249 results.

StIC Project: Stories of Change


The Strengthening Implementation of CEDAW (StIC) Project, implemented from June 2017 to May 2019, focused on women’s economic, social and cultural rights, access to justice, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in South and Southeast Asia, with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) serving as the primary framework. […]

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Joint Written Submission to the UN CEDAW Committee Concerning the Development of the First Draft of the General Recommendation on Trafficking in Women & Girls in the Context of Global Migration

December 2019

Eight-page PDF of recommendations outlined by participants at the second global convening on trafficking in women in the context of global migration, organised by IWRAW Asia Pacific and the Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women, in collaboration with FEMNET, in Nairobi, Kenya in December 2019.  

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Strengthening Implementation of CEDAW: Review of the StIC Project


The Strengthening Implementation of CEDAW (StIC) project, addressing women’s economic, social and cultural rights; access to justice; and the Sustainable Development Goals, was initiated to promote the regional feminist agenda in South and Southeast Asia, with a national-level focus on Bangladesh, Nepal, Timor-Leste and Vietnam. This video contextualises the project and outlines its achievements, with […]

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Towards a Strengthened UN Treaty Body System: Civil Society Proposals

November 2019

In April 2014, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution 68/268 aimed at strengthening the functioning of the human rights treaty bodies and deciding to evaluate the implementation of the resolution in 2020. Alongside this process, several initiatives have been taken by different actors, proposing reforms to the treaty bodies’ procedures for […]

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The Struggle for Sex Workers’ Rights

November 2019

IWRAW Asia Pacific worked with the Coalition for Sex and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR) to coordinate a tweet chat on sex workers’ rights in the Global South. The discussion has been compiled into a Twitter Moment for easy reading.

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Andorra at #CEDAW74

October 2019

Andorra’s record on women’s rights was reviewed by the #CEDAW Committee during the 74th CEDAW session in October 2019. This compilation of tweets – in English, Catalan, Spanish and French – summarises the review and its aftermath.

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Advancing Women’s Access to Justice in the Context of Labour Rights

August 2019

IWRAW Asia Pacific organised a regional convening on women’s labour rights and access to justice in Bali, 21-23 May 2019. The convening brought together women’s rights organisations and labour unions, human rights and labour rights experts, justice sector actors and legal service providers to reflect on the challenges and explore the opportunities to advance women’s […]

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Resisting Sexual Harassment in Vietnam


Nguyen Thi Phuong Thanh describes the work of Y.Change in Vietnam, with particular focus on challenging the normalisation of workplace sexual harassment and victim-blaming responses. Duration: 4:30 Subtitles: English

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Challenging Employment Discrimination in the Philippines


Maroz Ramos of GALANG Philippines describes the barriers to substantive equality in employment opportunities for women and LGBTQ people in the Philippines, and the advocacy and capacity building carried out by her organisation in order to combat discrimination. Duration: 4:05 Subtitles: English

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Claiming Economic Rights for Women with Disabilities in Nepal


Laxmi Nepal of Blind Women Association Nepal describes the work carried out by her organisation to empower women with disabilities, and blind and visually impaired women in particular, through legal literacy and advocacy to dismantle structural barriers. Duration: 7:17 Subtitles: English

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