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Displaying 249 results.

Priyanthi Fernando of IWRAW AP at the IMF/World Bank Annual Meeting

October 2018

What are the biggest barriers to women’s progression, and what role can the public and private sectors play? Priyanthi Fernando, executive director of IWRAW Asia Pacific, speaks at the IMF gender seminar ‘Empowering Women in the Workplace’. In these clips, she shares her views on the event hashtag #Women4Growth; highlights barriers to empowerment, particularly for […]

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Four Things to Know about the Purple Economy

October 2018

A two-page briefing paper in which Professor Ipek Ilkkaracan outlines her vision of an economic model which recognises care work. Until economic policies are implemented which reduce and redistribute care work, gender inequalities will not be addressed.

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A Feminist Approach to Economic Justice

October 2018

Outlining our aims, motivations and activities, this four-page information brief connects IWRAW Asia Pacific’s work on women’s economic, social and cultural rights and business and women’s human rights. Challenges highlighted include the exploitation of labour and natural resources; the impact of business activities on human rights; and barriers to justice.

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October 2018

Welcome to the evolving tool developed by IWRAW Asia Pacific to identify practical ways of linking the human rights framework and the sustainable development framework. While our focus is on CEDAW and the SDGs, this tool can be used to make links between any human rights instrument(s) and the SDGs. See Leaving No One Behind […]

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The Smart Sex Worker’s Guide to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women


Produced by the Global Network of Sex Work Projects as a result of its collaboration with IWRAW Asia Pacific, this resource explains CEDAW, its importance for the sex workers’ rights movement, and how to engage with the review process, and outlines sex workers’ rights under CEDAW. It is available in Chinese, English, French, Russian and […]

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Women’s Rights Beyond the Business Case: Ensuring Corporate Accountability

August 2018

Eight-page PDF from Feminist Group for the Binding Treaty. The briefing paper highlights the importance of a binding gender-just international accountability framework for transnational corporations, as an agenda in its own right and an integral part of a broader effort to achieve women’s economic empowerment and rights, and offers a number of key recommendations in […]

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Statement by Sachini Perera of IWRAW AP/RESURJ at HLPF 2018 side event

July 2018

What are the key lessons learned about stakeholder engagement in all the processes linked to the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development? Has the HLPF been successful in implementing its mandate? Sachini Perera speaks on behalf of IWRAW Asia Pacific and RESURJ at the HLPF 2018 side event panel discussion, “Review of GA Resolution […]

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NGO Reporting Guidelines on CEDAW & Rights of Women who Use Drugs


42-page guide in PDF format for NGOs engaging with the CEDAW review process and providing alternative information to the CEDAW Committee on the theme of rights of women who use drugs. With foreword by Judy Chang, executive director of the International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD).

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Leaving No One Behind: The Imperative of Inclusive Development in Palestine

July 2018

Report by the General Union of Palestinian Women (GUPW), the Non-Governmental Women Coalition for the Implementation of CEDAW in the Occupied State of Palestine, with support from IWRAW Asia Pacific (IWRAW AP). This 29-page PDF links CEDAW with the Sustainable Development Goals in the Palestinian context.

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Framework on Rights of Sex Workers & CEDAW


29-page framework, in PDF format, which seeks to connect human rights principles to the debates around prostitution laws and sex work, and is intended to be a tool to inform the rights discourse on sex work in the context of CEDAW. Also available in Russian.  

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