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Displaying 249 results.

Shadow Report Guidelines on CEDAW & Rights of Sex Workers


Eleven-page PDF which aims to provide guidance to NGOs engaging with the CEDAW review process and providing alternative information to the CEDAW Committee on the theme of rights of sex workers. Also available in Russian.

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Submission on online violence to the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women

November 2017

Submission on online violence from IWRAW Asia Pacific to the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences. Unpacking key issues on gender-based violence against women in digital spaces and through the use of ICTs under the CEDAW framework, this eight-page PDF highlights normative gaps in legislative frameworks and discusses accountability of […]

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Policy Brief on CEDAW and Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC) in Southeast Asia

October 2017

19-page PDF from ASEAN SOGIE Caucus which catalogues how SOGIESC has been addressed within the CEDAW reporting mechanisms, provides baseline information on CEDAW for activists based in ASEAN member states, and offers guidance on its application to SOGIESC in human rights advocacy.  

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CEDAW General Recommendation 34 on Rural Women


A collection (in .zip file) of 20 PNG files which together outline CEDAW General Recommendation No. 34 on the Rights of Rural Women, in a bitesize, visually appealing format.

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Women’s Right To Work


A collection of 12 PNG files which address points concerning women’s right to work.

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CEDAW General Recommendation 35 on Gender-based Violence Against Women


A .zip collection of 17 PNG files outlining CEDAW General Recommendation 35 on Gender-based Violence Against Women.

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Abortion Rights and CEDAW


ZIP file comprising ten infographics relating to abortion rights and CEDAW.

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2017 Global South Women’s Forum on Sustainable Development


Eleven JPG images calling for a human rights-based approach to sustainable development, covering themes of violence against women, conflict, inclusion, etc.

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UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights (UNGP)


An infographic in PDF format on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights (UNGP), and how their use, together with CEDAW and the Women’s Empowerment Principles, provides a comprehensive approach for the promotion of gender equality in the private sector.

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Women’s Empowerment Principles


A PDF infographic on the seven Women’s Empowerment Principles, the first global code of conduct for businesses on gender equality.

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