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Displaying 249 results.

CEDAW Shadow Report Guideline on Gender Equality and Macroeconomics (GEM)

May 2023

This thematic shadow report guideline aims to build the capacity of women’s rights organisations (WROs) and activists with the knowledge and resources to challenge neoliberal capitalist approaches in macroeconomic policies that actively violate women’s human rights. It is a resource for WROs and activists that are drafting their CEDAW shadow or alternative report and engaging […]

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Press Release – United Nations: 28 States call for legal gender recognition based on self-identification

March 2023

For the first time at the United Nations, a cross-regional group of 28 countries has called for laws and policies that allow legal gender recognition based on self-identification. Countries called on other States to “implement laws and policies that allow the recognition of gender identity based on self-identification”, and to “redouble efforts to prevent and […]

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Making the Unheard Heard: The Global Tribunal of Women Workers 2022

February 2023

On 9 October 2022, IWRAW Asia Pacific concluded its Global South Women’s Forum 2022 which hosted the Global Tribunal of Women Workers. The outcome of the Global Tribunal exceeded our expectations. We are pleased that the Global Tribunal was able to make visible many workers who suffer the violation of their human rights in silence, […]

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Submission of the Sex Worker Inclusive Feminist Alliance to CEDAW’s general discussion on equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems

February 2023

Written submission of the Sex Worker Inclusive Feminist Alliance (SWIFA), of which IWRAW Asia Pacific is a member, to the CEDAW Committee in advance of the half-day of general discussion on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems. Five pages, PDF format.    

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Joint submission & oral statement of the Women Gaining Ground consortium to CEDAW’s general discussion on equal and inclusive representation of women in decision making

February 2023

This joint submission and oral statement was made by International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific on behalf of Women Gaining Ground, a Global South consortium led by CREA, Akili Dada, IWRAW Asia Pacific and 16 strategic partners in Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda, including women with disabilities-led organisations. The joint submission and oral […]

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Universalising Gender Equality Norms: CEDAW’s critical role in protecting women’s SOGIESC rights

February 2023

Over the past few years, the ‘anti-gender’ movement has established itself to be one of the most concerning threats to women’s human rights advocacy. Successful capture of women’s rights language spaces has further galvanised ‘anti-gender’ actors to take their harmful narratives to various decision-making, human rights and development platforms across the world. At the brunt […]

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Joint submission of the FIFF Consortium to CEDAW’s general discussion on equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making

February 2023

This joint submission to the CEDAW Committee for their general discussion on equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making was prepared by the Forging Intersectional Feminist Futures (FIFF) consortium. The joint submission aims to highlight the multidimensional barriers that marginalised groups of women face in their access to equal and inclusive representation in decision-making […]

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Technical Brief: A guide for women who use drugs on engaging with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

January 2023

Produced by the International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD), with input from Constanza Pauchulo at IWRAW Asia Pacific, this technical brief provides an overview of CEDAW and guidance on the procedures and steps for women who use drugs to effectively engage with its processes. PDF, 24 pages; also available in French.  

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Gender Equality and Macroeconomics (GEM) Training Manual

December 2022

The gender equality and macroeconomics (GEM) training manual has been developed to build capacities of women’s rights organisations and activists on GEM issues and using the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) to advance women’s human rights. Its overall purpose is to encourage activists and researchers working on economic […]

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GEM: A Starter Kit for Feminist Analysis into Macroeconomics

December 2022

The Gender Equality and Macroeconomics (GEM) Starter Kit aims to demystify and challenge macroeconomic policies. Through this kit, we hope to encourage more women’s rights organisations to look into macroeconomics policies and their effects, and incorporate this analysis into the work they are undertaking. Moreover, we hope to encourage activists and researchers working on economics […]

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