Elements of Responses to Gender-based Violence Against Women (GBVAW) based on a Strategic Consultation to Develop a Global Response to GBVAW
24-page PDF covering topics such as increasing extremisms, shrinking democratic space, and gaps between international legal framework and domestic laws and in implementation of laws.
Read MoreCorporate Power and the Space for Women’s Human Rights Activism
62-page discussion paper in PDF format, aimed at beginning a conversation about how women’s rights activists and organisations can address the growing power and influence of the private sector in order to protect women’s human rights.
Read MoreCorporate Accountability for Women’s Human Rights
50-page PDF which outlines regional and global developments affecting corporate responsibility and accountability for women’s human rights; the history of the UN’s work on business and human rights; and case studies and strategies for drawing accountability for violations of human rights in the context of business activities.
Read MoreBriefing Paper – Women’s Human Rights and Natural Resources
16-page PDF which aims to unpack the gender dimension of natural resource exploitation and focuses on key issues concerning women’s rights to natural resources in the ASEAN context. It also provides analysis of women’s rights to natural resources from the CEDAW and ICESCR perspective.
Read MoreCEDAW and the Protection of Rights of Women who Use Drugs
April 2017
These PowerPoint slides were prepared by IWRAW Asia Pacific for use at the EHRN Regional Conference on Harm Reduction in April 2017. Beginning with an overview of CEDAW, they go on to discuss good practices and cross-movement alliance building relevant to women who use drugs.
Read MoreCEDAW GR 30: on Women in Conflict Prevention, Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations
A short video which elaborates upon the obligation of states to protect women’s rights guaranteed by CEDAW in scenarios including conflict prevention, as well as conflict and post-conflict situations. Duration: 3:34 Subtitles: English
Read MoreIWRAW Asia Pacific Partner Feedback to the Update on General Recommendation No. 19 on Violence Against Women by CEDAW
July 2016
In July 2016, the CEDAW Committee sought inputs from experts and civil society organisations (CSOs) for a draft General Recommendation 19 (GR 19) expanding upon the 1992 GR. To support this work by the Committee, prior to the draft being publicly shared, IWRAW Asia Pacific led an initiative to gather feedback from both CSOs and […]
Read MoreThe CEDAW Compliance Framework: IWRAW Asia Pacific’s Experience in Six Countries
63-page PDF toolkit outlining the CEDAW Compliance Framework (CCF) Project and experience gained through the project in six countries.
Read MoreCEDAW General Recommendation 30 on Women in Conflict Prevention, Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations: Shadow Report Guideline
A 28-page, user-friendly PDF guide to preparing a shadow report to the CEDAW Committee concerning state implementation of the Security Council agenda on women, peace and security. Aussi disponible en français.
Read MoreUnzipping CEDAW: A Guide to the Rights of Key Affected Women and Girls
Unzip the Lips’ 12-page guide in PDF format outlines why and how to engage with CEDAW to further the sexual and reproductive health and rights of key affected women and girls, including use of CEDAW to advance the rights of trans people, sex workers, and other marginalised groups.
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