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Displaying 249 results.

Business and Women’s Human Rights: Natural Resource Governance & Management – International Standards


This video – the last in a series of five – explains some of the international standards related to natural resource governance and emphasises the State’s human rights obligations. It also highlights the need for women’s rights to natural resources to be addressed using international human rights standards. This video was made possible with the […]

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Business and Women’s Human Rights: Natural Resource Governance


This video – part four in a series of five – explains natural resource governance and emphasises the importance of the State and private actors in involving local communities. It also highlights the need for women’s human rights to be addressed using international human rights standards. This video was made possible with the support of […]

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Business and Women’s Human Rights: Women in the Value Chain


This video – part three in a series of five – includes an explanation of ‘value chain’ and women’s roles in it, research by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) on female agricultural workers, components to help women achieve equal access to resources, and the relevance of incorporating CEDAW Article 14 into value chain analysis and […]

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Business and Women’s Human Rights: Women Migrant Workers


This video – part two in a series of five – looks at the factors pushing women to migrate to other countries in search of employment; jobs that migrant women workers are limited to; discriminations faced before, during, and after migration; lack of protection in informal sectors; and how CEDAW General Recommendation No. 26 is […]

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Business and Women’s Human Rights: CEDAW, UNGP and WEP


This video – part one in a series of five – introduces applicable humans rights frameworks (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and Women’s Empowerment Principles) when dealing with corporations or businesses (private sector) for the promotion of gender equality and […]

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CEDAW Quick & Concise: Principle of Substantive Equality


A short animation explaining CEDAW’s principle of substantive equality. Короткая анимация, объясняющая принцип фактического равенства КЛДЖ. Una animación corta que explica el principio de CEDAW de la igualdad sustantiva. Para ver los subtítulos en español, hay que hacer clic en el icono del engranaje y seleccionar el idioma. Duration: 3:38 Subtitles: English, Russian, Spanish Bahasa […]

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CEDAW Quick & Concise: Principle of State Obligation


A short animation explaining the CEDAW principle of state obligation. Una animación corta que explica el principio de CEDAW de la obligación estatal. Para ver los subtítulos en español, hay que hacer clic en el icono del engranaje y seleccionar el idioma. Duration: 5:13 Subtitles: English, Spanish Bahasa Indonesia | ខ្មែរ។ | русский | Tetun | […]

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CEDAW Quick & Concise: Principle of Non-Discrimination


A short animation explaining CEDAW’s principle of non-discrimination. Короткая анимация, объясняющая принцип недискриминации КЛДЖ. Una animación corta que explica el principio de CEDAW de no discriminación. Para ver los subtítulos en español, hay que hacer clic en el icono del engranaje y seleccionar el idioma. Duration: 4:29 Subtitles: English, Russian, Spanish Bahasa Indonesia | ខ្មែរ។ […]

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The Business of Women’s Human Rights


IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 15. 48-page paper in PDF format, written by Amy Lynne Lockler and Kathryn Dovey. Resulting from IWRAW Asia Pacific’s 2012 consultation on migration, trafficking, engagement with non-state actors and CEDAW, this paper explores strategic uses of the UN Guiding Principles in collaboration with businesses, and highlights examples of […]

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Using CEDAW to Secure Women’s Land and Property Rights: A Practical Guide


This 32-page PDF from the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights provides an overview of CEDAW and key actors, and explains how NGOs can use and engage with CEDAW review processes, including preparation of parallel reports.

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