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Displaying 249 results.

A Primer on Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


Six-page PDF prepared by the Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE), ESCR-Net and IWRAW Asia Pacific, on international human rights standards under CEDAW and under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

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Equity or Equality for Women? Understanding CEDAW’s Equality Principles


IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 14. 48-page paper in PDF format, written by Alda Facio and Martha I. Morgan. First explaining the background of the controversy over the terms ‘equity’ and ‘equality’ in human rights law, the authors go on to outline CEDAW’s concept of equality, before presenting a human rights-based critique of […]

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Equal and Indivisible: Crafting Inclusive Shadow Reports for CEDAW


A handbook from the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Coalition (IGLHRC) for writing shadow/alternative reports for CEDAW incorporating human rights issues related to sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. Preface by Sunila Abeysekera of IWRAW Asia Pacific.

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The OP-CEDAW as a Mechanism for Implementing Women’s Human Rights: An Analysis of Decisions Nos. 6-10 of the CEDAW Committee under the Communications Procedure of the OP-CEDAW


IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 13. 52-page paper in PDF format, written by Geeta Ramaseshan, who discusses cases involving Austria, Spain and the UK.

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The OP-CEDAW as a Mechanism for Implementing Women’s Human Rights: An Analysis of the First Five Cases under the Communications Procedure of the OP-CEDAW


IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 12. 56-page paper in PDF format, written by Alda Facio, who discusses cases involving Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands and Turkey.

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Our Rights Are Not Optional: A Resource Guide


This 143-page PDF guides users on advocating for the implementation of CEDAW through its Optional Protocol. Second edition. Aussi disponible en français | También disponible en español        

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A Guide to the Universal Periodic Review Process for NGOs and NHRIs


What is the Universal Periodic Review, why should you engage with it, and what are the steps involved? A 19-page guide to the UPR process, in PDF format.    

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Exploring the Potential of the UN Treaty Body System in Addressing Sexuality Rights


IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 11. 30-page paper in PDF format, written by tan beng hui, who provides an introduction to sexuality rights and to the UN treaty body system, before going on to specifically discuss CEDAW, CESCR and the Human Rights Committee, and associated challenges.

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Addressing Rape as a Human Rights Violation: The Role of International Human Rights Norms and Instruments


IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 10. 56-page paper in PDF format, authored by Geeta Ramaseshan, covering definition of rape in Asia and in international human rights law, legal issues and challenges regarding access to justice, and the application of international standards in domestic law.

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Women’s Right to Nationality and Citizenship


IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 9. 48-page paper in PDF format, written by Sapana Pradhan-Malla and Phanindra Gautam, covering gender-based biases in acquiring citizenship; effects of, and violations of rights resulting from, depriving equal citizenship rights; international human rights standards on nationality; case studies from around the world; and strategies to move forward.

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