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Displaying 249 results.

Joint Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women

December 2020

Written together with our partners at Sexual Rights Initiative and the Global Network of Sex Work Projects, this submission focuses on the limitations of a carceral approach to addressing sexual and gender-based violence and the importance of having consent-based frameworks. Word document, seven pages.

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Feminist Engagements with Trade Policy: A Feminist Perspective on Gender Equality and Trade

December 2020

This session, organised by FEMNET at Global South Women’s Forum 2020, explores the question of what feminist trade policy means. It looks specifically at what the AfCFTA is trying to achieve in terms of intra-continental trade expansion and what that means for women beyond gender equality but also in terms of women’s economic rights and […]

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A Feminist Analysis of CEDAW General Recommendation No. 38 on Trafficking in Women & Girls

December 2020

The CEDAW General Recommendation no. 38 on trafficking in women and girls in the context of global migration, adopted in November 2020, recognises that the ‘globally dominant economic policies are the cause behind large-scale economic inequality between States and individuals that manifests as labour exploitation’. It also highlights that macroeconomic factors produce the conditions of […]

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COVID, Hunger and Creative Approaches to Food Security: Women’s Exchange across Region and Ethnicity in Sri Lanka

December 2020

This session held at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 presents a field visit to a collective of women farmers called the Uva-Wellasa Women’s Federation, housed in the primarily Sinhala-speaking southwestern district of Monaragala, which is also one of the poorest districts in Sri Lanka. The field visit involves members of various collective food production initiatives […]

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The Deep Gender Divide in Fisheries across the Coast of Kenya

December 2020

This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 highlights the lack of women’s inclusion in fisheries governance and throughout the fisheries value chain and supply chain on the Kenyan coast. With speakers Anastacia Cheruiyot (Richana), Mercy Mghanga (CWIFE) and Dorcas Malogho (IOWB). Duration: 57:15 Subtitles: English

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Imagining Feminist Futures After COVID-19: An Interactive Virtual Workshop

December 2020

This workshop delivered at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 uses an adapted version of the methodology designed for Imagining Feminist Futures After COVID-19, a project coordinated by IWDA with support from a steering group of actors across the feminist movement, including Fiji Women’s Rights Movement, IT for Change, Gender at Work and Oxfam International. Duration: […]

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The Deal We Always Wanted: A Dialogue on a Feminist Digital Economy

December 2020

This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 seeks to highlight the urgent imperative for social movements to respond to the ongoing Big Tech-led restructuring of all sectors of the global economy and the resultant injustices, and identify feminist digital justice as the next horizon for Southern feminism in its 21st avatar. With speakers Natalia […]

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South Feminists Organising: Promoting Accountability and Gender Justice in the Sustainable Finance and Investments Dimensions

December 2020

This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 sheds light on the ways in which gender inequalities, discrimination and economic injustices are propagated through policies and investments promoted by international financial institutions and multilateral formations such as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) bloc. Duration: 1:33:05 Subtitles: None

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The Audacity to Disrupt: An Introduction to Feminist Macro-level Economics

December 2020

Organised by Gender and Development Network at Global South Women’s Forum 2020, this learning and sharing session is directed at women’s rights activists from all parts of the world who are fighting to disrupt dominant narratives and oppressive systems that continue to push women behind. See also the resource pack [PDF]. Duration: 1:33:24 Subtitles: None

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POSSIBLE FUTURES: Intergenerational Work towards the Pluriverse

December 2020

POSSIBLE FUTURES curates spaces to build understanding and solidarity across the Global South, holding space for unseen, unheard narratives to emerge and environments for overarching Global South narratives to emerge as legitimate alternatives to the Global North’s dominant, re-colonising ideas of ‘sustainable development’ and ‘planetary regeneration’. Duration: 1:31:35 Subtitles: None

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