Languages Vietnamese

Displaying 5 results.

Khung Làm Việc về Quyền Kinh tế của Phụ nữ trong ASEAN

August 2017

Khung làm việc giúp người dùng chuẩn bị tài liệu để sử dụng trong tranh luận nhằm tăng cường sự bảo vệ nhân quyền của phụ nữ bị tác động bởi hội nhập kinh tế ASEAN bằng cách: (1) xem xét thực trạng liên quan hội nhập kinh tế ASEAN; (2) dựa trên các thực […]

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CEDAW Quick & Concise: Principle of State Obligation (Tiếng Việt)


IWRAW Asia Pacific’s explainer on the CEDAW principle of state obligation, with voiceover in Vietnamese by UN Women. Duration: 5:13 Subtitles: None Bahasa Indonesia | English | español | ខ្មែរ។ | русский | Tetun | ภาษาไทย

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CEDAW Quick & Concise: Principle of Non-Discrimination (Tiếng Việt)


IWRAW Asia Pacific’s explainer on the CEDAW principle of non-discrimination, with voiceover in Vietnamese by UN Women. Duration: 4:30 Subtitles: None Bahasa Indonesia | English | español | ខ្មែរ។ | русский | Tetun | ภาษาไทย

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CEDAW Quick & Concise: Principle of Substantive Equality (Tiếng Việt)


IWRAW Asia Pacific’s explainer on the CEDAW principle of substantive equality, with voiceover in Vietnamese by UN Women. Duration: 3:38 Subtitles: None Bahasa Indonesia | English | español | ខ្មែរ។ | русский | Tetun | ภาษาไทย | türkçe  

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Business and Women’s Human Rights: Women Migrant Workers


This video – part two in a series of five – looks at the factors pushing women to migrate to other countries in search of employment; jobs that migrant women workers are limited to; discriminations faced before, during, and after migration; lack of protection in informal sectors; and how CEDAW General Recommendation No. 26 is […]

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