Regions and Countries East Africa

Displaying 14 results.

Distinguishing Between Migrant Sex Workers and Trafficking Victims


Phelister Abdallah of KESWA describes how sex workers in Kenya are organising in the fight against human trafficking. With thanks to Selena Ponce for Spanish translation. Phelister Abdallah, de KESWA, describe cómo se organizan les trabajadores sexuales de Kenia para luchar contra la trata. Gracias a Selena Ponce por la traducción al español. Duration: 4:52 […]

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Eritrea at #CEDAW75

February 2020

Eritrea’s record on women’s rights was reviewed by the #CEDAW Committee during the 75th CEDAW session in February 2020. This Twitter Moment collects together relevant tweets covering the review.

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Comparative Legal Review of the Impact of Muslim Family Laws on Women across Commonwealth Asia and Africa


Article 16 of CEDAW specifically provides for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls in all matters relating to marriage and family relations. Many Muslim-majority countries and countries with significant Muslim minorities are party to CEDAW but continue to hold reservations with regard to family law matters, including Article 16. This 135-page report, in […]

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Strengthening Implementation of CEDAW: Review of the StIC Project


The Strengthening Implementation of CEDAW (StIC) project, addressing women’s economic, social and cultural rights; access to justice; and the Sustainable Development Goals, was initiated to promote the regional feminist agenda in South and Southeast Asia, with a national-level focus on Bangladesh, Nepal, Timor-Leste and Vietnam. This video contextualises the project and outlines its achievements, with […]

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