Regions and Countries India

Displaying 13 results.

Feminist Learning Exchange: Defining Retrogression and Capture in the Context of Women’s Human Rights in Asia (FLEX)

April 2022

The Feminist Learning Exchange: Defining Retrogression and Capture in the Context of Women’s Human Rights in Asia (FLEX) aims to consolidate feminist knowledge and analyse the social, political, economic and legal context of women and marginalised groups organising to claim their rights; and to understand how women’s rights groups advocate for the rights of marginalised […]

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Decriminalise Sex Work

March 2021

The full decriminalisation of sex work is recognised globally as being essential to ensuring the safety, security, and dignity of sex workers. In this video, members of the Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW) from various parts of South and Southeast Asia talk about the impact of criminalisation on the lives and rights of […]

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Promote Prevention, Question Criminalisation: Reframing Responses to Child Marriage

December 2020

This South Asian dialogue, held by Feminist Inquiries into Rights and Equality (FIRE), was supported by IWRAW Asia Pacific as a consortium partner. FIRE project partners from India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Nepal, as well as other country partners and allies, provided information on the ground-level realities of child and early marriage (CEM), emphasising […]

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Essential Labour: Reflections from Fearless Collective’s Work with Muslim and Dalit Wastepickers in Delhi

December 2020

Fearless Collective shares their work in Delhi, reflecting on the conversations they had with a community of Muslim and Dalit wastepickers – what is considered essential to them? How do they see their lives and their work in the context of the city and the pandemic? Duration: 1:34:08 Subtitles: None

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Justice Delayed, Justice Denied: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Women’s Right to Access Justice

November 2020

This paper aims to better understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted justice systems around the world, with a focus on access to justice for women on issues related to gender-based violence and rights in the family. It forms part of a broader inquiry into the gaps in rights protection being experienced by women at […]

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#FIRESpeak Info Hour

November 2020

In its first ever info hour, the Feminist Inquiries into Rights and Equality (FIRE) consortium took a dive into our research on child marriages in South Asia, and shared insights into what was uncovered. This Twitter Moment compiles the contributions to the conversation.

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Intersectional Feminism and the ‘War on Drugs’

August 2020

In collaboration with IDPC Asia, IWRAW Asia Pacific hosted a tweet chat on women and drug policy, featuring NGOs and experts with particular focus on South and Southeast Asia. The discussion has been compiled into a Twitter Moment for easy reading.

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From ‘Stop Migration’ to Safe Migration


Pooja of Srijan Foundation and the Jharkhand Anti-Trafficking Network makes the case that there are no benefits to the ‘stop migration’ approach because people will always seek to migrate if there are insufficient opportunities at home, and recommends an end to protectionist policies in order to empower women. With thanks to Ishita Dutta, Meenu Batra […]

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Comparative Legal Review of the Impact of Muslim Family Laws on Women across Commonwealth Asia and Africa


Article 16 of CEDAW specifically provides for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls in all matters relating to marriage and family relations. Many Muslim-majority countries and countries with significant Muslim minorities are party to CEDAW but continue to hold reservations with regard to family law matters, including Article 16. This 135-page report, in […]

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Strengthening Implementation of CEDAW: Review of the StIC Project


The Strengthening Implementation of CEDAW (StIC) project, addressing women’s economic, social and cultural rights; access to justice; and the Sustainable Development Goals, was initiated to promote the regional feminist agenda in South and Southeast Asia, with a national-level focus on Bangladesh, Nepal, Timor-Leste and Vietnam. This video contextualises the project and outlines its achievements, with […]

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