Regions and Countries Southeast Asia

Displaying 52 results.

Feminist Learning Exchange: Defining Retrogression and Capture in the Context of Women’s Human Rights in Asia (FLEX)

April 2022

The Feminist Learning Exchange: Defining Retrogression and Capture in the Context of Women’s Human Rights in Asia (FLEX) aims to consolidate feminist knowledge and analyse the social, political, economic and legal context of women and marginalised groups organising to claim their rights; and to understand how women’s rights groups advocate for the rights of marginalised […]

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Drug policy in Asia: the importance of intersectional perspectives

March 2022

The impacts of drug policies are not the same for every person. They can differ according to ethnicity, gender, sexuality, citizenship and socioeconomic status. Throughout Asia, these differing impacts are seen in the higher rates of incarceration for women, the disproportionate number of people of a particular group targeted by law enforcement operations and on […]

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Sex Work is Not Trafficking

July 2021

The conflation of sex work with trafficking leaves sex workers vulnerable to abuse by authorities while discouraging people involved in the sex industry from reporting trafficking cases. Sex workers’ rights activists from South and Southeast Asia describe their experiences and perspectives in this video created in partnership with the Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers. […]

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Joint Submission on the Draft General Recommendation on Indigenous Women and Girls

June 2021

This joint submission to the CEDAW Committee was prepared by the Network of Indigenous Women Asia (NIWA) and Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) in consultation with 15 organisations from East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and Mekong region, including IWRAW Asia Pacific. English: PDF | Word

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Forefronting Our Agendas: Advocacy to Protect Rights of Sex Workers

May 2021

In March 2021, Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW) network members from eight countries in South and Southeast Asia shared their reflections of engaging with the project Forefronting Our Agendas: Advocacy to Protect Sex Workers’ Rights Using CEDAW. IWRAW Asia Pacific was privileged to facilitate their engagement in CEDAW advocacy and activism over the […]

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CEDAW and Sex Workers’ Rights Advocacy: Past Reflections, Future Plans

April 2021

In March 2021, Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW) network members from eight countries in South and Southeast Asia shared their reflections of engaging with the project Forefronting our Agendas: Advocacy to Protect Sex Workers’ Rights Using CEDAW. IWRAW Asia Pacific was privileged to facilitate their engagement in CEDAW advocacy and activism over the […]

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Decriminalise Sex Work

March 2021

The full decriminalisation of sex work is recognised globally as being essential to ensuring the safety, security, and dignity of sex workers. In this video, members of the Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW) from various parts of South and Southeast Asia talk about the impact of criminalisation on the lives and rights of […]

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Women, the State, and the Market in the Philippines: Case Studies on Sex Work, the War on Drugs, and the Conflict in Mindanao

December 2020

This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 presents three important conversations in the Philippines that engage with broader struggles faced by women globally: sex work; the war on drugs and its debilitating economic consequences on the poor; and the neglect of women’s needs in fiscal programming in conflict-affected areas. Delilah, a Filipina sex worker, […]

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Justice Delayed, Justice Denied: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Women’s Right to Access Justice

November 2020

This paper aims to better understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted justice systems around the world, with a focus on access to justice for women on issues related to gender-based violence and rights in the family. It forms part of a broader inquiry into the gaps in rights protection being experienced by women at […]

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Intersectional Feminism and the ‘War on Drugs’

August 2020

In collaboration with IDPC Asia, IWRAW Asia Pacific hosted a tweet chat on women and drug policy, featuring NGOs and experts with particular focus on South and Southeast Asia. The discussion has been compiled into a Twitter Moment for easy reading.

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