Imagining a Feminist Future of Work
The 2019 Southeast Asia regional consultation of the Global South Women’s Forum on Sustainable Development was held in Kuala Lumpur in April, bringing together workers and human rights activists from twelve countries. Together, we represented various civil society organisations and networks from across Southeast Asia and South Asia, as well as women with disabilities, LBTIQ+ […]
Read MorePolicy Brief on CEDAW and Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC) in Southeast Asia
October 2017
19-page PDF from ASEAN SOGIE Caucus which catalogues how SOGIESC has been addressed within the CEDAW reporting mechanisms, provides baseline information on CEDAW for activists based in ASEAN member states, and offers guidance on its application to SOGIESC in human rights advocacy.
Read MoreCEDAW Quick & Concise: Principle of State Obligation (အရှေ့ပိုးကရင်)
Short animation explaining CEDAW’s principle of state obligation, with voiceover in Eastern Pwo. Duration: 6:51 Subtitles: None Bahasa Indonesia | English | español | ខ្មែរ។ | русский | Tetun | ภาษาไทย | Tiếng Việt
Read MoreCEDAW Quick & Concise: Principle of Non-Discrimination (အရှေ့ပိုးကရင်)
Short animation explaining CEDAW’s principle of non-discrimination, with voiceover in Eastern Pwo. Duration: 4:29 Subtitles: None Bahasa Indonesia | English | español | ខ្មែរ។ | русский | Tetun | ภาษาไทย | Tiếng Việt
Read MoreCEDAW Quick & Concise: Principle of Substantive Equality (အရှေ့ပိုးကရင်)
Short animation explaining CEDAW’s principle of substantive equality, with voiceover in Eastern Pwo. Duration: 4:26 Subtitles: None Bahasa Indonesia | English | español | русский | Tetun | ภาษาไทย | Tiếng Việt
Read MoreKhung Làm Việc về Quyền Kinh tế của Phụ nữ trong ASEAN
August 2017
Khung làm việc giúp người dùng chuẩn bị tài liệu để sử dụng trong tranh luận nhằm tăng cường sự bảo vệ nhân quyền của phụ nữ bị tác động bởi hội nhập kinh tế ASEAN bằng cách: (1) xem xét thực trạng liên quan hội nhập kinh tế ASEAN; (2) dựa trên các thực […]
Read MoreWomen’s Economic Rights in the ASEAN
A short video sharing the experiences of women’s rights organisations which used CEDAW to raise awareness of priority issues for women’s economic leadership in ASEAN. Duration: 5:42 Subtitles: English
Read MoreThe Missing Women: Implications of the ASEAN Integration on Women Migrant Workers’ Rights
PDF of thematic paper. Topics covered include: ASEAN’s economic, political and socio-cultural agenda and implications to women ASEAN’s framework on labour migration ASEAN regional institutions involved in the protection and promotion of migrant workers in ASEAN women’s rights issues in the context of labour migration in ASEAN cases of women migrant workers from Lao PDR […]
Read MoreStories of Change: Women’s Economic Leadership and Empowerment in ASEAN Project
A 28-page booklet in PDF format which shares, country by country, key achievements of the Women’s Economic Leadership and Empowerment in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (WEL in ASEAN) project.
Read MoreKey Issues and Recommendations Concerning Rights of Women Migrant Workers In ASEAN
24-page booklet in PDF format, covering themes such as care and domestic work, and access to justice, healthcare and information.
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