Regions and Countries Egypt

Displaying 3 results.

The Urgency of Fiscal Justice: The Threat of Another Era of Austerity across the Global South

December 2020

Fiscal austerity measures over the past 40 years have waged a war against public systems and services, eroding the fabric of societies, deepening intersectional inequality, exclusion and discrimination on all scales of income, gender, race, caste, disability and sexuality. As the IMF’s emergency financing packages phase out in 2021, another wave of public budget cuts […]

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Advocacy on Personal Status Law in Egypt


Nada Hassan Nashat Abdelkawy Moussa of Center for Egyptian Women’s Legal Assistance (CEWLA) in Egypt shares their ongoing advocacy regarding personal status law in Egypt and how they maintain a balance between gains already made for women’s human rights and what remains to be done. Duration: 3:13 Subtitles: English

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The Status of CEDAW Implementation in ASEAN Countries and Selected Muslim Countries


IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 1. 36-page paper in PDF format, written by Shanthi Dairiam and based on research carried out by Rea Chiongson and Bandana Shrestha. Covering Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Maldives and Tunisia as well as ASEAN, the paper looks first at the reservations made by States parties upon CEDAW ratification or […]

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