Regions and Countries Lebanon

Displaying 3 results.

Following the Money: The Kafala System and Chain of Domestic Workers’ Migration

January 2021

This report summarises the discussion during the session of the same name organised by the International Domestic Workers Federation at the Global South Women’s Forum in December 2020. Topics covered include care work and macroeconomic policies, migrant domestic workers’ contributions to their home economies, push and pull factors for their migration, the profits of Lebanon’s […]

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Following the Money: The Kafala System and Chain of Domestic Workers’ Migration

December 2020

The Kafala sponsorship system is a set of policies and laws that tie migrant workers’ status to their sponsor. Migrant domestic workers are governed by this system and excluded from labour laws in the Middle East and Gulf countries. This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 addresses the interlinkages between domestic work, care labour, […]

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Creating and Spreading Feminist Knowledge


Roua Seghaier of Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research based in Lebanon shares their work of challenging the borders between what is considered academic and non-academic knowledge. Duration: 3:17 Subtitles: English

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