Framework on Rights of Sex Workers & CEDAW
29-page framework, in PDF format, which seeks to connect human rights principles to the debates around prostitution laws and sex work, and is intended to be a tool to inform the rights discourse on sex work in the context of CEDAW. Also available in Russian.
Read MoreShadow Report Guidelines on CEDAW & Rights of Sex Workers
Eleven-page PDF which aims to provide guidance to NGOs engaging with the CEDAW review process and providing alternative information to the CEDAW Committee on the theme of rights of sex workers. Also available in Russian.
Read MoreSubmission on online violence to the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women
November 2017
Submission on online violence from IWRAW Asia Pacific to the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences. Unpacking key issues on gender-based violence against women in digital spaces and through the use of ICTs under the CEDAW framework, this eight-page PDF highlights normative gaps in legislative frameworks and discusses accountability of […]
Read MoreThe Bellagio Declaration
PDF of the Bellagio Declaration on state obligation and role of the judiciary in ensuring access to justice for gender-based violence, including sexual violence, in an effective, competent manner and with a gender perspective.
Read MoreSubmission to the CEDAW Committee on the Draft General Recommendation on Gender-Related Dimensions of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change
Seven-page PDF submission of comments and suggestions covering themes such as accountability and access to justice, business actors and extra-territorial obligations, health, social protection, etc.
Read MoreStories of Change: Women’s Economic Leadership and Empowerment in ASEAN Project
A 28-page booklet in PDF format which shares, country by country, key achievements of the Women’s Economic Leadership and Empowerment in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (WEL in ASEAN) project.
Read MoreKey Issues and Recommendations Concerning Rights of Women Migrant Workers In ASEAN
24-page booklet in PDF format, covering themes such as care and domestic work, and access to justice, healthcare and information.
Read MoreJoint Submission on Access to Remedy
Five-page PDF of submission by IWRAW Asia Pacific, the Landesa Center for Women’s Land Rights and others to the UN Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises on Access to Remedy. Includes examples of how women experience corporate human rights abuses differently from men and makes recommendations […]
Read MoreOutcome Document of the 2017 Global South Women’s Forum On Sustainable Development
29-page outcome document, in PDF format, of the 2nd Annual Global South Women’s Forum on Sustainable Development. The document draws on the insights of the participants, united by two fundamental convictions: firstly, that gender equality should be integrated, interlinked and indivisible both in human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and secondly, that in […]
Read MoreElements of Responses to Gender-based Violence Against Women (GBVAW) based on a Strategic Consultation to Develop a Global Response to GBVAW
24-page PDF covering topics such as increasing extremisms, shrinking democratic space, and gaps between international legal framework and domestic laws and in implementation of laws.
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