Resource Themes Business and Women’s Human Rights

Displaying 43 results.

A Visual Journey through Feminist Perspectives on Trafficking


This nine-page PDF is a collection of artist Lulu Kitololo‘s graphic reporting from the convening held in Nairobi in December 2019, which brought activists together to discuss trafficking in women and girls in the context of global migration.  

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Advancing Women’s Access to Justice in the Context of Labour Rights

August 2019

IWRAW Asia Pacific organised a regional convening on women’s labour rights and access to justice in Bali, 21-23 May 2019. The convening brought together women’s rights organisations and labour unions, human rights and labour rights experts, justice sector actors and legal service providers to reflect on the challenges and explore the opportunities to advance women’s […]

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Preventing Human Trafficking of Indonesian Migrant Workers


Maizidah Salas of Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia (SBMI) describes her organisation’s activities: supporting children of migrant workers, empowering victims of trafficking, and pressing for change from the private sector to prevent further exploitation of migrant domestic workers. Duration: 4:50 Subtitles: English

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Mental Health as a Labour Right


Ellena Ekarahendy, chairperson of SINDIKASI, describes issues facing flexible workers in Indonesia, including precarity and overwork, and strategies to push for legal change. Duration: 6:06 Subtitles: English

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Imagining a Feminist Future of Work


The 2019 Southeast Asia regional consultation of the Global South Women’s Forum on Sustainable Development was held in Kuala Lumpur in April, bringing together workers and human rights activists from twelve countries. Together, we represented various civil society organisations and networks from across Southeast Asia and South Asia, as well as women with disabilities, LBTIQ+ […]

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Monitoring Work and Working Conditions of Women Employed in the Ready-Made Garment Industries of Bangladesh

April 2019

This 12-page PDF from Karmojibi Nari outlines working conditions among a sample of over 1000 women garment workers from over 100 factories in Gazipur and Narayanganj.  

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Corporate Rights vs Human Rights: A Presentation by Chee Yoke Ling


How do neoliberal economic structures and macroeconomic policies affect women’s rights and gender equality? With the rules of play written by corporates, women’s human rights activists need to be cognizant of the role of international financial institutions and trade agreements. Presented at the Southeast Asia Regional Consultation of the Global South Women’s Forum on Sustainable […]

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Monitoring Work and Working Conditions of Women Employed in the Ready-Made Garment Industries of Bangladesh

March 2019

This 12-page PDF from Karmojibi Nari outlines working conditions among a sample of 1000 women garment workers from 100 factories in Dhaka and Narayanganj.  

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Monitoring Work and Working Conditions of Women Employed in the Ready-Made Garment Industries of Bangladesh

December 2018

This 12-page PDF from Karmojibi Nari outlines working conditions among a sample of over 1000 women garment workers in Dhaka.    

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Les Droits des Femmes au-delà de l’Analyse de Rentabilité: Assurer la Responsabilité des Entreprises

November 2018

PDF (9 pages) par Feminist Group for the Binding Treaty. Ce document met en lumière l’importance d’un cadre juridique contraignant et assurant une justice de genre pour les sociétés transnationales, en tant qu’objectif à part entière et partie intégrale d’un effort plus large pour parvenir à l’autonomisation et aux droits économiques des femmes; et offre […]

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