Les Droits des Femmes au-delà de l’Analyse de Rentabilité: Assurer la Responsabilité des Entreprises
November 2018
PDF (9 pages) par Feminist Group for the Binding Treaty. Ce document met en lumière l’importance d’un cadre juridique contraignant et assurant une justice de genre pour les sociétés transnationales, en tant qu’objectif à part entière et partie intégrale d’un effort plus large pour parvenir à l’autonomisation et aux droits économiques des femmes; et offre […]
Read MorePriyanthi Fernando of IWRAW AP at the IMF/World Bank Annual Meeting
October 2018
What are the biggest barriers to women’s progression, and what role can the public and private sectors play? Priyanthi Fernando, executive director of IWRAW Asia Pacific, speaks at the IMF gender seminar ‘Empowering Women in the Workplace’. In these clips, she shares her views on the event hashtag #Women4Growth; highlights barriers to empowerment, particularly for […]
Read MoreA Feminist Approach to Economic Justice
October 2018
Outlining our aims, motivations and activities, this four-page information brief connects IWRAW Asia Pacific’s work on women’s economic, social and cultural rights and business and women’s human rights. Challenges highlighted include the exploitation of labour and natural resources; the impact of business activities on human rights; and barriers to justice.
Read MoreWomen’s Rights Beyond the Business Case: Ensuring Corporate Accountability
August 2018
Eight-page PDF from Feminist Group for the Binding Treaty. The briefing paper highlights the importance of a binding gender-just international accountability framework for transnational corporations, as an agenda in its own right and an integral part of a broader effort to achieve women’s economic empowerment and rights, and offers a number of key recommendations in […]
Read MoreUN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights (UNGP)
An infographic in PDF format on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights (UNGP), and how their use, together with CEDAW and the Women’s Empowerment Principles, provides a comprehensive approach for the promotion of gender equality in the private sector.
Read MoreWomen’s Empowerment Principles
A PDF infographic on the seven Women’s Empowerment Principles, the first global code of conduct for businesses on gender equality.
Read MoreCEDAW General Recommendation 28 on the Obligations of the State in Ensuring the Rights of Women
A PDF infographic on CEDAW General Recommendation 28 on the core obligations of the State in ensuring the rights of women, including State obligation in relation to the role of private actors.
Read MoreThe Missing Women: Implications of the ASEAN Integration on Women Migrant Workers’ Rights
PDF of thematic paper. Topics covered include: ASEAN’s economic, political and socio-cultural agenda and implications to women ASEAN’s framework on labour migration ASEAN regional institutions involved in the protection and promotion of migrant workers in ASEAN women’s rights issues in the context of labour migration in ASEAN cases of women migrant workers from Lao PDR […]
Read MoreStories of Change: Women’s Economic Leadership and Empowerment in ASEAN Project
A 28-page booklet in PDF format which shares, country by country, key achievements of the Women’s Economic Leadership and Empowerment in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (WEL in ASEAN) project.
Read MoreKey Issues and Recommendations Concerning Rights of Women Migrant Workers In ASEAN
24-page booklet in PDF format, covering themes such as care and domestic work, and access to justice, healthcare and information.
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