Resource Themes Care Economy

Displaying 11 results.

From Voices to Demands: Outcomes of the Global Tribunal of Women Workers

May 2024

In late 2022, IWRAW Asia Pacific, in collaboration with 28 organisations, convened the Global Tribunal of Women Workers during our annual Global South Women’s Forum. The Global Tribunal was a collaborative, constituency-led, transnational and cross-movement initiative which remained steadfast in centering the lived experiences of women workers. Their stories set out to make visible the […]

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Equality Bahamas CEDAW Speaker Series: Article 13 with Constanza Pauchulo

July 2023

The CEDAW (Convention) Speaker Series, organised by Equality Bahamas, is designed to familiarise members of the public with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Each month, one expert takes a look at one Article of the Convention, its interpretation, its application to the Bahamian context, and the most […]

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GEM: A Starter Kit for Feminist Analysis into Macroeconomics

December 2022

The Gender Equality and Macroeconomics (GEM) Starter Kit aims to demystify and challenge macroeconomic policies. Through this kit, we hope to encourage more women’s rights organisations to look into macroeconomics policies and their effects, and incorporate this analysis into the work they are undertaking. Moreover, we hope to encourage activists and researchers working on economics […]

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Creating a Caring Economy: The role of IFIs and the CEDAW framework in transformative change

March 2021

At this Civil Society Policy Forum Session, panelists considered the international human rights obligations of the IMF and World Bank in relation to care work, particularly the role of migrant domestic workers in the global economy, exploring how reorienting toward a ‘caring economy’ contributes to long-term transformation. Video | Transcript    

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Following the Money: The Kafala System and Chain of Domestic Workers’ Migration

January 2021

This report summarises the discussion during the session of the same name organised by the International Domestic Workers Federation at the Global South Women’s Forum in December 2020. Topics covered include care work and macroeconomic policies, migrant domestic workers’ contributions to their home economies, push and pull factors for their migration, the profits of Lebanon’s […]

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Building a Feminist Future: Towards a Feminist and Human-Rights-Based Global Social Pact on Care

December 2020

This session, held by ESCR-Net at Global South Women’s Forum 2020, addresses the uneven social organisation of care work and presents a framework to reframe the economic system as a caring economy and challenge the current neoliberal model based on economic growth. Related topics on the commodification of common goods, financialisation and labour flexibilisation are […]

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Advancing Human Rights through Gender-Responsive Public Services: A Feminist Alternative to Privatisation

December 2020

This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 convenes feminist activists, experts, and practitioners working to counter the privatisation and commercialisation of public services that are essential for the realisation of women’s rights and the advancement of gender equality. Speakers Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona (GI-ESCR), Kate Donald (Centre for Economic and Social Rights), Verónica Montúfar (Public […]

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Following the Money: The Kafala System and Chain of Domestic Workers’ Migration

December 2020

The Kafala sponsorship system is a set of policies and laws that tie migrant workers’ status to their sponsor. Migrant domestic workers are governed by this system and excluded from labour laws in the Middle East and Gulf countries. This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 addresses the interlinkages between domestic work, care labour, […]

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Priyanthi Fernando of IWRAW AP at the IMF/World Bank Annual Meeting

October 2018

What are the biggest barriers to women’s progression, and what role can the public and private sectors play? Priyanthi Fernando, executive director of IWRAW Asia Pacific, speaks at the IMF gender seminar ‘Empowering Women in the Workplace’. In these clips, she shares her views on the event hashtag #Women4Growth; highlights barriers to empowerment, particularly for […]

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Four Things to Know about the Purple Economy

October 2018

A two-page briefing paper in which Professor Ipek Ilkkaracan outlines her vision of an economic model which recognises care work. Until economic policies are implemented which reduce and redistribute care work, gender inequalities will not be addressed.

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