Resource Themes CEDAW

Displaying 143 results.

CEDAW General Recommendation 30 on Women in Conflict Prevention, Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations: Shadow Report Guideline


A 28-page, user-friendly PDF guide to preparing a shadow report to the CEDAW Committee concerning state implementation of the Security Council agenda on women, peace and security. Aussi disponible en français.

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Unzipping CEDAW: A Guide to the Rights of Key Affected Women and Girls


Unzip the Lips’ 12-page guide in PDF format outlines why and how to engage with CEDAW to further the sexual and reproductive health and rights of key affected women and girls, including use of CEDAW to advance the rights of trans people, sex workers, and other marginalised groups.

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КЛДЖ принцип – “Обязательства государства”

May 2016

КЛДЖ – это конвенция о ликвидации всех форм дискриминации в отношении женщин. Международный договор о правах человека, который фокусируется на вопросах и правах человека женщин во всем мире. Это видео объясняет принцип – “Обязательства государства”. Duration: 5:16 Subtitles: Russian Bahasa Indonesia | English | español | ខ្មែរ។ | Tetun | ภาษาไทย | Tiếng Việt

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CEDAW – Women’s Human Rights Explained


Short video by the UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission, in which experts explain why CEDAW is relevant to women and girls across the country. Duration: 2:11 Subtitles: English

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Young Women Making Change


Young women from Laos, Malaysia, Timor Leste and Vietnam participated in a three-year project with IWRAW Asia Pacific, funded by UN Women Fund for Gender Equality (FGE), on becoming CEDAW advocates for women’s human rights. Duration: 10:54 Subtitles: English

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CEDAW Lais no Konsizu: Prinsipiu Igualdade Konkretu


Serial “CEDAW Lalais no Konsizu” halo introduisaun ba prinsípiu tolu (3) husi Konvensaun Halakon Formas Diskriminasaun Hotu-hotu Kontra Feto (CEDAW). Video ida ne’e fó esplikasaun kona-ba prinsípiu ‘Igualdade Konkretu’. Duration: 3:42 Subtitles: Tetum Bahasa Indonesia | English | español | ខ្មែរ។ | русский | ภาษาไทย | Tiếng Việt | türkçe        

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CEDAW Lais no Konsizu: Prinsipiu Obrigasaun Estadu nian


Serial ‘CEDAW Lalais no Konsizu’ halo introduisaun ba prinsípiu tolu (3) husi Konvensaun Halakon Formas Diskriminasaun Hotu-hotu Kontra Feto (CEDAW). Video ida ne’e fó esplikasaun kona-ba prinsípiu ‘Obrigasaun Estadu nian’. Duration: 5:13 Subtitles: Tetum Bahasa Indonesia | English | español | ខ្មែរ។ | русский | ภาษาไทย | Tiếng Việt

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CEDAW Lais no Konsizu: Prinsipiu Naun-Diskriminasaun


Serial “CEDAW Lalais no Konsizu” halo introduisaun ba prinsípiu tolu (3) husi Konvensaun Halakon Formas Diskriminasaun Hotu-hotu Kontra Feto (CEDAW). Video ida ne’e fó esplikasaun kona-ba prinsípiu ‘Naun-diskriminasaun’. Duration: 4:29 Subtitles: Tetum Bahasa Indonesia | English | español | ខ្មែរ។ | русский | ภาษาไทย | Tiếng Việt

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Women’s Economic Rights: Training Materials


63-page PDF of training materials which have been put together with the objective of building capacity to analyse women’s economic rights applying a CEDAW lens. The materials attempt to link the relevant international and regional standards, norms, obligations and guidelines that demand a State’s accountability for the enjoyment and exercise of women’s economic rights, taking […]

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CEDAW: Prinsip Non Diskriminasi


Prinsip Non Diskriminasi merupakan salah satu prinsip dari tiga prinsip dasar konvensi Penghapusan Segala Bentuk Diskriminasi terhadap Perempuan (CEDAW). Prinsip ini perlu dipahami bersama karena bentuk diskriminasi terhadap perempuan sangat beragam, dari diskriminasi langsung, tidak langsung, masala lalu, dan lain-lain. Video oleh CEDAW Working Group Indonesia, terinspirasi oleh animasi video CEDAW oleh IWRAW Asia Pacific. […]

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