Resource Themes CEDAW

Displaying 143 results.

Participation à la Présentation de Rapports au Titre de la CEDEF: Procédures et Directives de Rédaction d’un Rapport Parallèle/Alternatif


Document PDF (16 pages) pour aider les ONG à participer à l’établissement et la présentation de rapports parallèles/alternatifs au Comité CEDEF. عربى | English | español

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إعداد تقارير الظل/التقارير البديلة لتقديمها للجنة السيداو


عشر صفحات تصف بالتفصيل الخطوات التى يجب على المنظمات غير الحكومية اتخاذها فى إعداد تقارير الظل/التقارير البديلة لتقديمها للجنة السيداو، وخطوط مرشدة للمساعدة فى كتابة تلك التقارير English | español | français

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Recommended Guidelines for Writing CEDAW Shadow Reports with a Focus on the Rights of Women with Disabilities


Shadow report guidelines by Rangita de Silva de Alwis. Questions relating to the rights of women with disabilities are compiled under the relevant articles of CEDAW. Cover image from Disabled and Here. Click here for a version in Microsoft Word format, or click the button below for a version in PDF:

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Toolkit for Reporting to CEDAW on Trafficking in Women and Exploitation of Migrant Women Workers


This toolkit, from the Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women (GAATW), provides guidance to NGOs engaging in the CEDAW review process. It hopes to enable NGO reporting to provide more thorough information on the situation of trafficking in women and the exploitation of women migrant workers and to link these areas of concern with migration, […]

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Participation in ICESCR and CEDAW Reporting Processes: Guidelines for Writing on Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Shadow/Alternative Reports


88-page PDF intended to provide assistance for individuals and organisations working within the shadow reporting processes of CEDAW and ICESCR to incorporate information on women’s rights related to dimensions of economic, social and cultural rights.

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Participation in the CEDAW Reporting Process: NGO Interventions During and After the CEDAW Session


Eleven-page PDF explaining NGO interventions at the CEDAW session and the role that they can play afterwards.    

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Participation in the CEDAW Reporting Process: Process and Guidelines for Writing a Shadow/Alternative Report


Sixteen-page PDF detailing the steps to be taken by NGOs in preparing shadow/alternative reports to the CEDAW Committee, and guidelines to assist in writing them. عربى | español | français

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Equity or Equality for Women? Understanding CEDAW’s Equality Principles


IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 14. 48-page paper in PDF format, written by Alda Facio and Martha I. Morgan. First explaining the background of the controversy over the terms ‘equity’ and ‘equality’ in human rights law, the authors go on to outline CEDAW’s concept of equality, before presenting a human rights-based critique of […]

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Equal and Indivisible: Crafting Inclusive Shadow Reports for CEDAW


A handbook from the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Coalition (IGLHRC) for writing shadow/alternative reports for CEDAW incorporating human rights issues related to sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. Preface by Sunila Abeysekera of IWRAW Asia Pacific.

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The OP-CEDAW as a Mechanism for Implementing Women’s Human Rights: An Analysis of Decisions Nos. 6-10 of the CEDAW Committee under the Communications Procedure of the OP-CEDAW


IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 13. 52-page paper in PDF format, written by Geeta Ramaseshan, who discusses cases involving Austria, Spain and the UK.

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