Resource Themes COVID-19

Displaying 21 results.

COVID, Hunger and Creative Approaches to Food Security: Women’s Exchange across Region and Ethnicity in Sri Lanka

December 2020

This session held at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 presents a field visit to a collective of women farmers called the Uva-Wellasa Women’s Federation, housed in the primarily Sinhala-speaking southwestern district of Monaragala, which is also one of the poorest districts in Sri Lanka. The field visit involves members of various collective food production initiatives […]

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Imagining Feminist Futures After COVID-19: An Interactive Virtual Workshop

December 2020

This workshop delivered at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 uses an adapted version of the methodology designed for Imagining Feminist Futures After COVID-19, a project coordinated by IWDA with support from a steering group of actors across the feminist movement, including Fiji Women’s Rights Movement, IT for Change, Gender at Work and Oxfam International. Duration: […]

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Applying a Feminist Macroeconomics Lens to COVID-19 Regulations: A Preview of IWRAW AP’s GEM Toolkit

December 2020

An introduction to IWRAW Asia Pacific’s Gender Equality and Macroeconomics Toolkit. This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 aimed to help participants to critically think about the effects of national macroeconomic policies on women and girls’ access, exercise and enjoyment of human rights, and to create space for exchanging ideas on gender-responsive COVID-19 macroeconomic […]

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Essential Labour: Reflections from Fearless Collective’s Work with Muslim and Dalit Wastepickers in Delhi

December 2020

Fearless Collective shares their work in Delhi, reflecting on the conversations they had with a community of Muslim and Dalit wastepickers – what is considered essential to them? How do they see their lives and their work in the context of the city and the pandemic? Duration: 1:34:08 Subtitles: None

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Justice Delayed, Justice Denied: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Women’s Right to Access Justice

November 2020

This paper aims to better understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted justice systems around the world, with a focus on access to justice for women on issues related to gender-based violence and rights in the family. It forms part of a broader inquiry into the gaps in rights protection being experienced by women at […]

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Collective NGO Statement to the 77th CEDAW Session

October 2020

This statement was delivered to the 77th CEDAW session on 28 October 2020, held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The statement, in English and Spanish, was compiled from information shared by 27 national, regional and international women’s rights defenders, organisations and coalitions whose participation in the session was limited due to the postponement of […]

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Joint Civil Society Letter on 2021 UN Treaty Body Reviews in the COVID-19 Context

October 2020

Signed by over 500 NGOs from around the world, this letter calls attention to the pandemic’s disruption of the work of the Treaty Bodies, urges them and their Secretariats to schedule State reviews no later than 2021, and OHCHR to prioritise resources and tools for this. Click here to download the letter in Microsoft Word […]

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Recovering Rights: Governments’ Obligation to Ensure Substantive Gender Equality

August 2020

The Recovering Rights series from the Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) looks at opportunities for the post-COVID-19 transformation of our economies, with rights and justice at the centre. This brief, written in partnership with IWRAW Asia Pacific, discusses the disproportionate economic disadvantages faced by women as a result of the pandemic, and the […]

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Civil Society Statement at the 76th CEDAW Session on the Impacts of COVID-19 on Women and Girls

June 2020

This statement was delivered by IWRAW Asia Pacific programme officer Marisa Hutchinson and programme manager Shanti Uprety at the 76th CEDAW session on 29 June 2020, held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The statement was compiled from information shared by 28 NGOs from 22 countries around the world. Seven pages, PDF; also available as […]

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Joint Letter on UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies during the COVID-19 Pandemic

May 2020

Two-page joint letter in PDF format from NGOs to chairpersons of UN human rights treaty bodies, including TB-Net of which IWRAW Asia Pacific is a member. The letter calls for continued monitoring of states’ compliance with their treaty body obligations during the crisis, and safe and effective civil society involvement as treaty bodies explore switching […]

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