Resource Themes Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Displaying 118 results.

Corporate Power and the Space for Women’s Human Rights Activism


62-page discussion paper in PDF format, aimed at beginning a conversation about how women’s rights activists and organisations can address the growing power and influence of the private sector in order to protect women’s human rights.

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Corporate Accountability for Women’s Human Rights


50-page PDF which outlines regional and global developments affecting corporate responsibility and accountability for women’s human rights; the history of the UN’s work on business and human rights; and case studies and strategies for drawing accountability for violations of human rights in the context of business activities.

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Briefing Paper – Women’s Human Rights and Natural Resources


16-page PDF which aims to unpack the gender dimension of natural resource exploitation and focuses on key issues concerning women’s rights to natural resources in the ASEAN context. It also provides analysis of women’s rights to natural resources from the CEDAW and ICESCR perspective.

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Handbook on Women, Development and Access to Justice


78-page PDF resource which explores the use of CEDAW and ICESCR, as well as other policy instruments such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which can be used to strengthen the accountability of states and responsibility of non-state actors on women’s human rights. The handbook documents and collates several tools […]

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CEDAW Lais no Konsizu: Prinsipiu Naun-Diskriminasaun


Serial “CEDAW Lalais no Konsizu” halo introduisaun ba prinsípiu tolu (3) husi Konvensaun Halakon Formas Diskriminasaun Hotu-hotu Kontra Feto (CEDAW). Video ida ne’e fó esplikasaun kona-ba prinsípiu ‘Naun-diskriminasaun’. Duration: 4:29 Subtitles: Tetum Bahasa Indonesia | English | español | ខ្មែរ។ | русский | ภาษาไทย | Tiếng Việt

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Women’s Economic Rights: Training Materials


63-page PDF of training materials which have been put together with the objective of building capacity to analyse women’s economic rights applying a CEDAW lens. The materials attempt to link the relevant international and regional standards, norms, obligations and guidelines that demand a State’s accountability for the enjoyment and exercise of women’s economic rights, taking […]

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Framework for Women’s Economic Rights in ASEAN


48-page PDF covering women’s economic rights, ASEAN economic integration, and neoliberalism and human rights in ASEAN. Also available in Vietnamese.  

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CEDAW: Prinsip Non Diskriminasi


Prinsip Non Diskriminasi merupakan salah satu prinsip dari tiga prinsip dasar konvensi Penghapusan Segala Bentuk Diskriminasi terhadap Perempuan (CEDAW). Prinsip ini perlu dipahami bersama karena bentuk diskriminasi terhadap perempuan sangat beragam, dari diskriminasi langsung, tidak langsung, masala lalu, dan lain-lain. Video oleh CEDAW Working Group Indonesia, terinspirasi oleh animasi video CEDAW oleh IWRAW Asia Pacific. […]

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Faire Valoir les Droits Economiques, Sociaux et Culturels des Femmes

May 2015

Guide-ressources pour la promotion des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels des femmes au moyen du Protocole facultatif et de la Convention sur l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l’égard des femmes et du Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels. PDF à 177 pages: manuel élaboré […]

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Business and Women’s Human Rights: Women in the Value Chain


This video – part three in a series of five – includes an explanation of ‘value chain’ and women’s roles in it, research by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) on female agricultural workers, components to help women achieve equal access to resources, and the relevance of incorporating CEDAW Article 14 into value chain analysis and […]

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