Resource Themes Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Displaying 118 results.

Business and Women’s Human Rights: Women Migrant Workers


This video – part two in a series of five – looks at the factors pushing women to migrate to other countries in search of employment; jobs that migrant women workers are limited to; discriminations faced before, during, and after migration; lack of protection in informal sectors; and how CEDAW General Recommendation No. 26 is […]

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CEDAW Quick & Concise: Principle of Non-Discrimination


A short animation explaining CEDAW’s principle of non-discrimination. Короткая анимация, объясняющая принцип недискриминации КЛДЖ. Una animación corta que explica el principio de CEDAW de no discriminación. Para ver los subtítulos en español, hay que hacer clic en el icono del engranaje y seleccionar el idioma. Duration: 4:29 Subtitles: English, Russian, Spanish Bahasa Indonesia | ខ្មែរ។ […]

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Using CEDAW to Secure Women’s Land and Property Rights: A Practical Guide


This 32-page PDF from the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights provides an overview of CEDAW and key actors, and explains how NGOs can use and engage with CEDAW review processes, including preparation of parallel reports.

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Cómo Exigir los Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales de las Mujeres

May 2014

Una guía de recursos para promover los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales de las mujeres empleando el Protocolo Facultativo y la Convención sobre la Eliminación de Todas las Formas de Discriminación contra la Mujer y su Protocolo Facultativo, y el Pacto Internacional de los Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales y su Protocolo Facultativo. PDF de […]

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Realizing Indigenous Women’s Rights: A Handbook on the CEDAW


In its 238 pages, this handbook by Eleanor Dictaan-Bang-oa and Helen Tugendhat outlines the situation of indigenous women in Asia, explains basic human rights principles and how to use CEDAW, and compiles General Recommendations and Concluding Observations relevant to the rights of indigenous women. Published by Asian Indigenous Women’s Network, Forest Peoples Programme and Tebtebba.

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مقتطفات من دليل إحقاق حقوق المرأة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية

April 2013

Claiming Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: excerpts in Arabic. 129-page PDF produced by IWRAW Asia Pacific and ESCR-Net. The full resource is available in English | French | Spanish

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Claiming Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

April 2013

A Resource Guide to Advancing Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Using the Optional Protocol and Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Optional Protocol and International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights. 178-page PDF, produced by ESCR-Net and IWRAW Asia Pacific. Also available in Arabic | French […]

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Reclaiming & Redefining Rights: Analysing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights under CEDAW


Written by Amy Lynne Locklear and Sunila Abeysekera, this guide was published by the Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women (ARROW) with input from IWRAW Asia Pacific.

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Participation à la Présentation de Rapports au Titre de la CEDEF: Procédures et Directives de Rédaction d’un Rapport Parallèle/Alternatif


Document PDF (16 pages) pour aider les ONG à participer à l’établissement et la présentation de rapports parallèles/alternatifs au Comité CEDEF. عربى | English | español

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Toolkit for Reporting to CEDAW on Trafficking in Women and Exploitation of Migrant Women Workers


This toolkit, from the Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women (GAATW), provides guidance to NGOs engaging in the CEDAW review process. It hopes to enable NGO reporting to provide more thorough information on the situation of trafficking in women and the exploitation of women migrant workers and to link these areas of concern with migration, […]

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