“There Should Be No Imperialist Policies Within Agricultural Production”: Azra Talat Sayeed
March 2021
Azra Talat Sayeed of Roots For Equity, Pakistan, describes the reality for landless agricultural women workers, and why women’s access to the control of resources is the only way to break the cycle of poverty and hunger. Funded through the Bretton Woods Project’s Gender Equality and Macroeconomics project. Subtitles were kindly provided by Hadeel Omara […]
Read MoreFollowing the Money: The Kafala System and Chain of Domestic Workers’ Migration
January 2021
This report summarises the discussion during the session of the same name organised by the International Domestic Workers Federation at the Global South Women’s Forum in December 2020. Topics covered include care work and macroeconomic policies, migrant domestic workers’ contributions to their home economies, push and pull factors for their migration, the profits of Lebanon’s […]
Read MoreWhite Paper on Women’s Equality and Economic Rights in Eastern and Southern Africa
January 2021
This white paper and accompanying documents discuss women’s equality and economic rights in Southern and Eastern Africa. They were drafted by Rebecca Ramirez, a legal intern with the Human Rights Clinic of the University of Miami School of Law, under the supervision of the Clinic’s Acting Director, Tamar Ezer. Ishita Dutta of IWRAW Asia Pacific […]
Read More#GSWF2020 Threads
December 2020
The Global South Women’s Forum went virtual in 2020, taking on macroeconomics with Global South feminist voices from around the world. This Twitter Moment shares links to the videos along with IWRAW Asia Pacific’s threads on the sessions.
Read MoreStrengthening the Capacity of Feminist Organisations from the Global South to Collectively Challenge Macroeconomic Policies in Order to Protect Women’s Land and Territory Rights
December 2020
Organised by the Feminist Land Platform at Global South Women’s Forum 2020, this session brought together feminist organisations from the South to discuss and develop an alternative policy approach and advocacy strategy to protect women’s land rights in the different regions that are suffering from increasing processes of land grabbing and conflicts around their land […]
Read MoreSecure Women’s Land Rights through Beijing+25 Action Coalitions: A Gateway towards a Feminist Economic Transformation
December 2020
Land and natural resources are key drivers of inequality, including gender inequality. Land grabbing, land reforms in urban and rural areas and climate change impacts have both exacerbated women’s land rights challenges and led women into abject poverty. This session organised by Oxfam at the Global South Women’s Forum brought together feminist leaders and partners […]
Read MoreThe Urgency of Fiscal Justice: The Threat of Another Era of Austerity across the Global South
December 2020
Fiscal austerity measures over the past 40 years have waged a war against public systems and services, eroding the fabric of societies, deepening intersectional inequality, exclusion and discrimination on all scales of income, gender, race, caste, disability and sexuality. As the IMF’s emergency financing packages phase out in 2021, another wave of public budget cuts […]
Read MoreBuilding a Feminist Future: Towards a Feminist and Human-Rights-Based Global Social Pact on Care
December 2020
This session, held by ESCR-Net at Global South Women’s Forum 2020, addresses the uneven social organisation of care work and presents a framework to reframe the economic system as a caring economy and challenge the current neoliberal model based on economic growth. Related topics on the commodification of common goods, financialisation and labour flexibilisation are […]
Read MoreDisrupting the Global Food Systems towards Advancing Gender Equality, Human Rights and International Solidarity: The Case of South Africa, Brazil, China and Mexico
December 2020
COVID-19 has undermined food security both directly, by disrupting food systems, and indirectly, through the impacts of lockdowns on household incomes and physical access to food. Furthermore, COVID-19 and responses to the pandemic could undermine food production, processing and marketing, but the most concerning impacts are on the demand side – economic and physical access […]
Read MoreWomen, the State, and the Market in the Philippines: Case Studies on Sex Work, the War on Drugs, and the Conflict in Mindanao
December 2020
This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 presents three important conversations in the Philippines that engage with broader struggles faced by women globally: sex work; the war on drugs and its debilitating economic consequences on the poor; and the neglect of women’s needs in fiscal programming in conflict-affected areas. Delilah, a Filipina sex worker, […]
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