Resource Themes Human Rights Council

Displaying 3 results.

Press Release – United Nations: 28 States call for legal gender recognition based on self-identification

March 2023

For the first time at the United Nations, a cross-regional group of 28 countries has called for laws and policies that allow legal gender recognition based on self-identification. Countries called on other States to “implement laws and policies that allow the recognition of gender identity based on self-identification”, and to “redouble efforts to prevent and […]

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Joint Statement of Solidarity with Palestinian People and Call to End the Israeli Occupation

June 2021

Presented at the United Nations Human Rights Council’s 30th Special Session on the grave human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, this joint statement was made on behalf of eight women’s rights and feminist organisations and activists from across the world in solidarity with the Palestinian people. English: PDF | Word […]

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Statement on the Human Rights Obligation to Ensure Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccine

March 2021

IWRAW Asia Pacific, the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, and the Sexual Rights Initiative delivered an Item 3 General Debate statement on the human rights obligation to ensure equitable access to the COVID-19 vaccine, particularly to highlight civil society perspectives from the Global South at the 46th session of the Human Rights Council. Duration: […]

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