Resource Themes ICESCR

Displaying 14 results.

Exploring the Potential of the UN Treaty Body System in Addressing Sexuality Rights


IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 11. 30-page paper in PDF format, written by tan beng hui, who provides an introduction to sexuality rights and to the UN treaty body system, before going on to specifically discuss CEDAW, CESCR and the Human Rights Committee, and associated challenges.

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Addressing Intersectional Discrimination with Temporary Special Measures


IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 8. 66-page paper in PDF format, showing how temporary special measures are a means to remedying structural discrimination and achieving substantive equality, and how their use can be justified. It further discusses why these measures should be utilised for women who encounter multiple forms of discrimination, and presents […]

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Making UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies More Effective: A Gender Critique of Reforms to the Reporting Process – The Case of the ‘Common Core Document’


IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 4. This 36-page paper in PDF format, written by Dianne Otto, discusses some challenges to centering women’s human rights in the context of earlier reforms to the United Nations treaty body system.  

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Equality in International Human Rights Treaties: An Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 2. This 28-page paper in PDF format, written by Esther Farkas, provides an overview of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the technical aspects of an OP-ICESCR, and the Committee’s approach to women’s rights.    

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