Resource Themes Macroeconomics

Displaying 40 results.

‘LALELA’: Amplifying the voices of LBTQ persons in Zimbabwe

December 2020

Presented by Pakasipiti, this session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 highlights key issues around macroeconomic justice especially for the marginalised LBTQ community in Africa, using poetry and spoken word. With speakers Miles Moyo (Voice of the Voiceless) and Tinashe Wakapila. Duration: 1:31:05 Subtitles: None

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Following the Money: The Kafala System and Chain of Domestic Workers’ Migration

December 2020

The Kafala sponsorship system is a set of policies and laws that tie migrant workers’ status to their sponsor. Migrant domestic workers are governed by this system and excluded from labour laws in the Middle East and Gulf countries. This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 addresses the interlinkages between domestic work, care labour, […]

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Applying a Feminist Macroeconomics Lens to COVID-19 Regulations: A Preview of IWRAW AP’s GEM Toolkit

December 2020

An introduction to IWRAW Asia Pacific’s Gender Equality and Macroeconomics Toolkit. This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 aimed to help participants to critically think about the effects of national macroeconomic policies on women and girls’ access, exercise and enjoyment of human rights, and to create space for exchanging ideas on gender-responsive COVID-19 macroeconomic […]

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Born into Debt

December 2020

Launched at the Rise to the Beat of Debt Justice Concert, organised by Asian People’s Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD), Fight Inequality,, ActionAid and the Asian Movement for People’s Music, this song by M E G D K addresses the illegitimate and unsustainable debt for which coming generations will suffer. Shared with kind […]

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Breaking Silos, Building Movements: Connecting Gender Equality and Macroeconomics

November 2020

How do global economic and development structures impact the daily lives of women? Experts Barbara Adams (Global Policy Forum), Emma Bürgisser (Bretton Woods Project), Eleanor Dictaan-Bang-oa (Tebtebba), Azra Talat Sayeed (Roots for Equity) and Chantal Umuhoza (SPECTRA: Young Feminists Activism) explain macroeconomic policies and their relevance to the struggle for gender equality, particularly in the […]

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Mobilising for Feminist Trade Justice within the United Nations

August 2020

The movement for feminist trade justice is long-standing and growing. Global South feminists have been ringing alarm bells for decades – providing meticulous analysis on the devastating impact of trade liberalisation, privatisation, and deregulation on poor and marginalised groups of women and demonstrating the inextricable link between the current global trade system, colonialism and imperialism. […]

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Corporate Rights vs Human Rights: A Presentation by Chee Yoke Ling


How do neoliberal economic structures and macroeconomic policies affect women’s rights and gender equality? With the rules of play written by corporates, women’s human rights activists need to be cognizant of the role of international financial institutions and trade agreements. Presented at the Southeast Asia Regional Consultation of the Global South Women’s Forum on Sustainable […]

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Priyanthi Fernando of IWRAW AP at the IMF/World Bank Annual Meeting

October 2018

What are the biggest barriers to women’s progression, and what role can the public and private sectors play? Priyanthi Fernando, executive director of IWRAW Asia Pacific, speaks at the IMF gender seminar ‘Empowering Women in the Workplace’. In these clips, she shares her views on the event hashtag #Women4Growth; highlights barriers to empowerment, particularly for […]

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Four Things to Know about the Purple Economy

October 2018

A two-page briefing paper in which Professor Ipek Ilkkaracan outlines her vision of an economic model which recognises care work. Until economic policies are implemented which reduce and redistribute care work, gender inequalities will not be addressed.

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Lack of Access, Lack of Care: A Reference Guide to Women’s Right to Health in the International Trading System


IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 3. 72-page paper in PDF format, written by Liz Sepper. Although the paper’s focus is on trade and women’s right to health, it is also intended to serve as a more general framework of analysis that advocates can apply to trade and any number of economic and social […]

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