Resource Themes SRHR

Displaying 13 results.

Outcome Document of the 2017 Global South Women’s Forum On Sustainable Development


29-page outcome document, in PDF format, of the 2nd Annual Global South Women’s Forum on Sustainable Development. The document draws on the insights of the participants, united by two fundamental convictions: firstly, that gender equality should be integrated, interlinked and indivisible both in human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and secondly, that in […]

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Unzipping CEDAW: A Guide to the Rights of Key Affected Women and Girls


Unzip the Lips’ 12-page guide in PDF format outlines why and how to engage with CEDAW to further the sexual and reproductive health and rights of key affected women and girls, including use of CEDAW to advance the rights of trans people, sex workers, and other marginalised groups.

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Reclaiming & Redefining Rights: Analysing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights under CEDAW


Written by Amy Lynne Locklear and Sunila Abeysekera, this guide was published by the Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women (ARROW) with input from IWRAW Asia Pacific.

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