Resource Themes Sex Workers

Displaying 31 results.

Guía para un informe CEDAW alternativo sobre derechos de las mujeres LBTI+, personas no binaries y de género diverso

June 2024

Este recurso de 19 páginas proporciona orientación específica de artículos para las ONG que buscan participar en el proceso de revisión de la CEDAW con miras a los derechos de las mujeres lesbianas, bisexuales, transgénero e intersexuales, y de las personas no binarias y de género diverso. Traducción por Larissa Arroyo Navarrete y colaboración de […]

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From Voices to Demands: Outcomes of the Global Tribunal of Women Workers

May 2024

In late 2022, IWRAW Asia Pacific, in collaboration with 28 organisations, convened the Global Tribunal of Women Workers during our annual Global South Women’s Forum. The Global Tribunal was a collaborative, constituency-led, transnational and cross-movement initiative which remained steadfast in centering the lived experiences of women workers. Their stories set out to make visible the […]

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CEDAW shadow report guidelines on the rights of LBTI+ women, trans, non-binary and gender-diverse people

March 2024

This 19-page resource provides article-specific guidance to NGOs who aim to engage with the CEDAW review process with a view to the rights of lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex women, and non-binary and gender-diverse people.

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Submission of the Sex Worker Inclusive Feminist Alliance to CEDAW’s general discussion on equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems

February 2023

Written submission of the Sex Worker Inclusive Feminist Alliance (SWIFA), of which IWRAW Asia Pacific is a member, to the CEDAW Committee in advance of the half-day of general discussion on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems. Five pages, PDF format.    

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Open Letter from SWIFA to Members of Congress, Spain, on Proposed Amendments to the Penal Code

September 2022

The Sex Worker Inclusive Feminist Alliance (SWIFA), of which IWRAW Asia Pacific is a member, calls upon Members of Congress to meaningfully engage with sex workers’ communities and collectives and better understand their lived experiences and concerns. Their experiences and concerns should be taken into account while designing public policies that affect them. Available in […]

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Рамки для защиты прав секс-работников и КЛДЖ

August 2022

Russian translation of framework which seeks to connect human rights principles to the debates around prostitution laws and sex work, and is intended to be a tool to inform the rights discourse on sex work in the context of CEDAW. Our thanks to SWAN for the translation. 69 pages, PDF. Access the English version.  

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Drug policy in Asia: the importance of intersectional perspectives

March 2022

The impacts of drug policies are not the same for every person. They can differ according to ethnicity, gender, sexuality, citizenship and socioeconomic status. Throughout Asia, these differing impacts are seen in the higher rates of incarceration for women, the disproportionate number of people of a particular group targeted by law enforcement operations and on […]

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Руководство По Составлению Теневых Докладов О Правах Секс-работников В Клдж

October 2021

Eleven-page PDF which aims to provide guidance to NGOs engaging with the CEDAW review process and providing alternative information to the CEDAW Committee on the theme of rights of sex workers. Russian translation provided by Sex Workers’ Rights Advocacy Network (SWAN). Also available in English.

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Sex Work is Not Trafficking

July 2021

The conflation of sex work with trafficking leaves sex workers vulnerable to abuse by authorities while discouraging people involved in the sex industry from reporting trafficking cases. Sex workers’ rights activists from South and Southeast Asia describe their experiences and perspectives in this video created in partnership with the Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers. […]

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Forefronting Our Agendas: Advocacy to Protect Rights of Sex Workers

May 2021

In March 2021, Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW) network members from eight countries in South and Southeast Asia shared their reflections of engaging with the project Forefronting Our Agendas: Advocacy to Protect Sex Workers’ Rights Using CEDAW. IWRAW Asia Pacific was privileged to facilitate their engagement in CEDAW advocacy and activism over the […]

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