Resource Themes Tax Justice

Displaying 3 results.

Gender IFI Summer School: Advocacy for Feminist Tax Justice

August 2023

In this session at the inaugural Bretton Woods Project Gender IFI Summer School held in August 2023, IWRAW Asia Pacific programme officer Hazel Birungi moderates a conversation with Aurea Mouzinho from the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) and Sahar Mechmech from Oxfam. The panel discusses their experience with global campaigning on tax and gender, […]

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Joint submission to the Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls on poverty and inequality

November 2022

Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI), International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW AP) and the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID), made a joint submission to the UN Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls for its upcoming report on “Human Security of Women and Girls in the Context of Poverty and Inequality”. […]

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Creating a Caring Economy: The role of IFIs and the CEDAW framework in transformative change

March 2021

At this Civil Society Policy Forum Session, panelists considered the international human rights obligations of the IMF and World Bank in relation to care work, particularly the role of migrant domestic workers in the global economy, exploring how reorienting toward a ‘caring economy’ contributes to long-term transformation. Video | Transcript    

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