Young Women Making Change
Young women from Laos, Malaysia, Timor Leste and Vietnam participated in a three-year project with IWRAW Asia Pacific, funded by UN Women Fund for Gender Equality (FGE), on becoming CEDAW advocates for women’s human rights. Duration: 10:54 Subtitles: English
Read MoreRealizing Indigenous Women’s Rights: A Handbook on the CEDAW
In its 238 pages, this handbook by Eleanor Dictaan-Bang-oa and Helen Tugendhat outlines the situation of indigenous women in Asia, explains basic human rights principles and how to use CEDAW, and compiles General Recommendations and Concluding Observations relevant to the rights of indigenous women. Published by Asian Indigenous Women’s Network, Forest Peoples Programme and Tebtebba.
Read MoreParticipation à la Présentation de Rapports au Titre de la CEDEF: Procédures et Directives de Rédaction d’un Rapport Parallèle/Alternatif
Document PDF (16 pages) pour aider les ONG à participer à l’établissement et la présentation de rapports parallèles/alternatifs au Comité CEDEF. عربى | English | español
Read MoreToolkit for Reporting to CEDAW on Trafficking in Women and Exploitation of Migrant Women Workers
This toolkit, from the Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women (GAATW), provides guidance to NGOs engaging in the CEDAW review process. It hopes to enable NGO reporting to provide more thorough information on the situation of trafficking in women and the exploitation of women migrant workers and to link these areas of concern with migration, […]
Read MoreParticipation in the CEDAW Reporting Process: Process and Guidelines for Writing a Shadow/Alternative Report
Sixteen-page PDF detailing the steps to be taken by NGOs in preparing shadow/alternative reports to the CEDAW Committee, and guidelines to assist in writing them. عربى | español | français
Read MorePautas sobre como Escribir un Informe Sombra/Alternativo
PDF de nueve páginas que presenta los temas de los artículos de la CEDAW y explica cómo los ONG pueden escribir informes sombras/alternativos. عربى | English | français
Read MoreAddressing Rape as a Human Rights Violation: The Role of International Human Rights Norms and Instruments
IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 10. 56-page paper in PDF format, authored by Geeta Ramaseshan, covering definition of rape in Asia and in international human rights law, legal issues and challenges regarding access to justice, and the application of international standards in domestic law.
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