Resource Types Thematic Paper

Displaying 25 results.

Universalising Gender Equality Norms: CEDAW’s critical role in protecting women’s SOGIESC rights

February 2023

Over the past few years, the ‘anti-gender’ movement has established itself to be one of the most concerning threats to women’s human rights advocacy. Successful capture of women’s rights language spaces has further galvanised ‘anti-gender’ actors to take their harmful narratives to various decision-making, human rights and development platforms across the world. At the brunt […]

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A Critique of CEDAW General Recommendation No. 38 on Trafficking in Women & Girls in the Context of Global Migration

January 2021

This document presents a substantive critique of CEDAW General Recommendation No. 38, grounded in intersectional feminist principles. Annotations made to the text of the General Recommendation highlight severe regression, ambiguous provisions, and progress. PDF | Word

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White Paper on Women’s Equality and Economic Rights in Eastern and Southern Africa

January 2021

This white paper and accompanying documents discuss women’s equality and economic rights in Southern and Eastern Africa. They were drafted by Rebecca Ramirez, a legal intern with the Human Rights Clinic of the University of Miami School of Law, under the supervision of the Clinic’s Acting Director, Tamar Ezer. Ishita Dutta of IWRAW Asia Pacific […]

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Women’s Rights Obligations of States in the Context of Climate Change

March 2020

From the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) and the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR), this eight-page PDF summarises the CEDAW Committee’s statements and Concluding Observations relating to climate change up to 2020.

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Les Droits des Femmes au-delà de l’Analyse de Rentabilité: Assurer la Responsabilité des Entreprises

November 2018

PDF (9 pages) par Feminist Group for the Binding Treaty. Ce document met en lumière l’importance d’un cadre juridique contraignant et assurant une justice de genre pour les sociétés transnationales, en tant qu’objectif à part entière et partie intégrale d’un effort plus large pour parvenir à l’autonomisation et aux droits économiques des femmes; et offre […]

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Four Things to Know about the Purple Economy

October 2018

A two-page briefing paper in which Professor Ipek Ilkkaracan outlines her vision of an economic model which recognises care work. Until economic policies are implemented which reduce and redistribute care work, gender inequalities will not be addressed.

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A Feminist Approach to Economic Justice

October 2018

Outlining our aims, motivations and activities, this four-page information brief connects IWRAW Asia Pacific’s work on women’s economic, social and cultural rights and business and women’s human rights. Challenges highlighted include the exploitation of labour and natural resources; the impact of business activities on human rights; and barriers to justice.

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Women’s Rights Beyond the Business Case: Ensuring Corporate Accountability

August 2018

Eight-page PDF from Feminist Group for the Binding Treaty. The briefing paper highlights the importance of a binding gender-just international accountability framework for transnational corporations, as an agenda in its own right and an integral part of a broader effort to achieve women’s economic empowerment and rights, and offers a number of key recommendations in […]

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Policy Brief on CEDAW and Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC) in Southeast Asia

October 2017

19-page PDF from ASEAN SOGIE Caucus which catalogues how SOGIESC has been addressed within the CEDAW reporting mechanisms, provides baseline information on CEDAW for activists based in ASEAN member states, and offers guidance on its application to SOGIESC in human rights advocacy.  

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The Missing Women: Implications of the ASEAN Integration on Women Migrant Workers’ Rights


PDF of thematic paper. Topics covered include: ASEAN’s economic, political and socio-cultural agenda and implications to women ASEAN’s framework on labour migration ASEAN regional institutions involved in the protection and promotion of migrant workers in ASEAN women’s rights issues in the context of labour migration in ASEAN cases of women migrant workers from Lao PDR […]

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