Resource Types Twitter Moment

Displaying 7 results.

Loss and Damage, Human Rights & State and Corporate Accountability: Our Fight for Climate Justice

November 2022

Grounded in the analysis of social movements, frontline communities and feminist leaders, this #COP27 side event focused on loss and damage from a human rights perspective, considering the structural drivers of the climate crisis, and clarifying the human rights obligations of States and corporations. Speakers: Ana Celestial (Kalikasan PNE); Mela Chiponda (FEMNET); Adrian Martinez (La […]

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#GSWF2020 Threads

December 2020

The Global South Women’s Forum went virtual in 2020, taking on macroeconomics with Global South feminist voices from around the world. This Twitter Moment shares links to the videos along with IWRAW Asia Pacific’s threads on the sessions.

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#FIRESpeak Info Hour

November 2020

In its first ever info hour, the Feminist Inquiries into Rights and Equality (FIRE) consortium took a dive into our research on child marriages in South Asia, and shared insights into what was uncovered. This Twitter Moment compiles the contributions to the conversation.

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Intersectional Feminism and the ‘War on Drugs’

August 2020

In collaboration with IDPC Asia, IWRAW Asia Pacific hosted a tweet chat on women and drug policy, featuring NGOs and experts with particular focus on South and Southeast Asia. The discussion has been compiled into a Twitter Moment for easy reading.

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Eritrea at #CEDAW75

February 2020

Eritrea’s record on women’s rights was reviewed by the #CEDAW Committee during the 75th CEDAW session in February 2020. This Twitter Moment collects together relevant tweets covering the review.

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The Struggle for Sex Workers’ Rights

November 2019

IWRAW Asia Pacific worked with the Coalition for Sex and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR) to coordinate a tweet chat on sex workers’ rights in the Global South. The discussion has been compiled into a Twitter Moment for easy reading.

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Andorra at #CEDAW74

October 2019

Andorra’s record on women’s rights was reviewed by the #CEDAW Committee during the 74th CEDAW session in October 2019. This compilation of tweets – in English, Catalan, Spanish and French – summarises the review and its aftermath.

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