Resource Types Video

Displaying 113 results.

The Deep Gender Divide in Fisheries across the Coast of Kenya

December 2020

This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 highlights the lack of women’s inclusion in fisheries governance and throughout the fisheries value chain and supply chain on the Kenyan coast. With speakers Anastacia Cheruiyot (Richana), Mercy Mghanga (CWIFE) and Dorcas Malogho (IOWB). Duration: 57:15 Subtitles: English

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Imagining Feminist Futures After COVID-19: An Interactive Virtual Workshop

December 2020

This workshop delivered at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 uses an adapted version of the methodology designed for Imagining Feminist Futures After COVID-19, a project coordinated by IWDA with support from a steering group of actors across the feminist movement, including Fiji Women’s Rights Movement, IT for Change, Gender at Work and Oxfam International. Duration: […]

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The Deal We Always Wanted: A Dialogue on a Feminist Digital Economy

December 2020

This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 seeks to highlight the urgent imperative for social movements to respond to the ongoing Big Tech-led restructuring of all sectors of the global economy and the resultant injustices, and identify feminist digital justice as the next horizon for Southern feminism in its 21st avatar. With speakers Natalia […]

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South Feminists Organising: Promoting Accountability and Gender Justice in the Sustainable Finance and Investments Dimensions

December 2020

This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 sheds light on the ways in which gender inequalities, discrimination and economic injustices are propagated through policies and investments promoted by international financial institutions and multilateral formations such as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) bloc. Duration: 1:33:05 Subtitles: None

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The Audacity to Disrupt: An Introduction to Feminist Macro-level Economics

December 2020

Organised by Gender and Development Network at Global South Women’s Forum 2020, this learning and sharing session is directed at women’s rights activists from all parts of the world who are fighting to disrupt dominant narratives and oppressive systems that continue to push women behind. See also the resource pack [PDF]. Duration: 1:33:24 Subtitles: None

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POSSIBLE FUTURES: Intergenerational Work towards the Pluriverse

December 2020

POSSIBLE FUTURES curates spaces to build understanding and solidarity across the Global South, holding space for unseen, unheard narratives to emerge and environments for overarching Global South narratives to emerge as legitimate alternatives to the Global North’s dominant, re-colonising ideas of ‘sustainable development’ and ‘planetary regeneration’. Duration: 1:31:35 Subtitles: None

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Campaign of Campaigns: Towards Macro Solutions for Women, People and Planet

December 2020

This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 introduced the Campaign of Campaigns, a mobilisation and advocacy strategy to promote a ‘package’ of macroeconomic global demands devised jointly by the Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development (WWG on FfD) and the CSO FfD Group. It aims to galvanise collective efforts to promote solidarity across […]

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‘LALELA’: Amplifying the voices of LBTQ persons in Zimbabwe

December 2020

Presented by Pakasipiti, this session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 highlights key issues around macroeconomic justice especially for the marginalised LBTQ community in Africa, using poetry and spoken word. With speakers Miles Moyo (Voice of the Voiceless) and Tinashe Wakapila. Duration: 1:31:05 Subtitles: None

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Following the Money: The Kafala System and Chain of Domestic Workers’ Migration

December 2020

The Kafala sponsorship system is a set of policies and laws that tie migrant workers’ status to their sponsor. Migrant domestic workers are governed by this system and excluded from labour laws in the Middle East and Gulf countries. This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 addresses the interlinkages between domestic work, care labour, […]

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Applying a Feminist Macroeconomics Lens to COVID-19 Regulations: A Preview of IWRAW AP’s GEM Toolkit

December 2020

An introduction to IWRAW Asia Pacific’s Gender Equality and Macroeconomics Toolkit. This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 aimed to help participants to critically think about the effects of national macroeconomic policies on women and girls’ access, exercise and enjoyment of human rights, and to create space for exchanging ideas on gender-responsive COVID-19 macroeconomic […]

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