Resource Types Video

Displaying 113 results.

A Rights-Based Approach to Trafficking


Archana Kotecha of Liberty Shared explains why a cross-border, cross-sector and cross-disciplinary countertrafficking movement is crucial, and why victim care must take priority. With thanks to Selena Ponce for Spanish subtitles. Un enfoque con base en los derechos humanos para acabar con la trata Archana Kotecha, de Liberty Shared, explica por qué es esencial que […]

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Analysing the Structural and Systemic Causes of Trafficking in the Context of Global Migration


In December 2019, IWRAW Asia Pacific held a global convening in Nairobi which brought together experts from around the world to discuss trafficking in the context of global migration, to make recommendations for the forthcoming CEDAW General Recommendation on the topic, and to come up with a Feminist Anti-Trafficking Manifesto. This outcome video features Priyanthi […]

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Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value


Work which is typically performed by women is often undervalued and undercompensated. But how can we compare different jobs, especially where the division of labour tends to be gendered? This animated video explains the principle of equal pay for work of equal value, with examples of its application around the world. Our thanks go to […]

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Strengthening Implementation of CEDAW: Review of the StIC Project


The Strengthening Implementation of CEDAW (StIC) project, addressing women’s economic, social and cultural rights; access to justice; and the Sustainable Development Goals, was initiated to promote the regional feminist agenda in South and Southeast Asia, with a national-level focus on Bangladesh, Nepal, Timor-Leste and Vietnam. This video contextualises the project and outlines its achievements, with […]

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Advancing Women’s Access to Justice in the Context of Labour Rights

August 2019

IWRAW Asia Pacific organised a regional convening on women’s labour rights and access to justice in Bali, 21-23 May 2019. The convening brought together women’s rights organisations and labour unions, human rights and labour rights experts, justice sector actors and legal service providers to reflect on the challenges and explore the opportunities to advance women’s […]

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Resisting Sexual Harassment in Vietnam


Nguyen Thi Phuong Thanh describes the work of Y.Change in Vietnam, with particular focus on challenging the normalisation of workplace sexual harassment and victim-blaming responses. Duration: 4:30 Subtitles: English

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Challenging Employment Discrimination in the Philippines


Maroz Ramos of GALANG Philippines describes the barriers to substantive equality in employment opportunities for women and LGBTQ people in the Philippines, and the advocacy and capacity building carried out by her organisation in order to combat discrimination. Duration: 4:05 Subtitles: English

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Claiming Economic Rights for Women with Disabilities in Nepal


Laxmi Nepal of Blind Women Association Nepal describes the work carried out by her organisation to empower women with disabilities, and blind and visually impaired women in particular, through legal literacy and advocacy to dismantle structural barriers. Duration: 7:17 Subtitles: English

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Preventing Human Trafficking of Indonesian Migrant Workers


Maizidah Salas of Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia (SBMI) describes her organisation’s activities: supporting children of migrant workers, empowering victims of trafficking, and pressing for change from the private sector to prevent further exploitation of migrant domestic workers. Duration: 4:50 Subtitles: English

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Mental Health as a Labour Right


Ellena Ekarahendy, chairperson of SINDIKASI, describes issues facing flexible workers in Indonesia, including precarity and overwork, and strategies to push for legal change. Duration: 6:06 Subtitles: English

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