Addressing labour exploitation of women workers through taking forward the outcomes of the Global Tribunal of Women Workers
July 2023
- Theme: Access to Justice, Business and Women's Human Rights, Care Economy, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Global South Women's Forum, Migrant Workers, Rural Women, Sex Workers, SRHR, Violence Against Women.
- Type: Advocacy Toolkit.
- Region/Country: Global.
This advocacy toolkit is a collection of materials from the Global Tribunal on Women Workers designed to assist advocacy organisations and interested individuals in undertaking activities to take forward the outcomes of the Tribunal. The toolkit is part of a project that the Rights Lab, University of Nottingham conducted in partnership with IWRAW Asia Pacific, to understand the forms of labour exploitation in specific countries in South and Southeast Asia that create the conditions for modern slavery to thrive.
Prepared by Urmila Bhoola (Rights Lab Principal Research Fellow in Global Antislavery Justice, University of Nottingham) and Dr Katarina Schwarz (Rights Lab Associate Director Law and Policy), the toolkit is divided into six components:
Part A: Women Worker Rights Toolkit
Part B: GBV and Women Worker Rights