Advancing Human Rights through Gender-Responsive Public Services: A Feminist Alternative to Privatisation

Advancing Human Rights through Gender-Responsive Public Services: A Feminist Alternative to Privatisation

December 2020

This session at Global South Women’s Forum 2020 convenes feminist activists, experts, and practitioners working to counter the privatisation and commercialisation of public services that are essential for the realisation of women’s rights and the advancement of gender equality. Speakers Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona (GI-ESCR), Kate Donald (Centre for Economic and Social Rights), Verónica Montúfar (Public Services International) and Anjela Taneja (OXFAM India) share their insights and experiences in the fields of care, education, and health. Key questions include:

• How has the privatisation and commercialisation of public services impacted women’s rights?
• Why and how do we need to re-organise, own, manage and fund public services to advance gender justice?
• Which are the alternatives to privatisation and commercialisation proposed by feminist social movements, activists, and grassroots women’s rights organisations?

With thanks to Emilia Dominguez for transcription.

Duration: 1:32:40
Subtitles: English