Women Gaining Ground: Written submission on the draft of CEDAW General Recommendation no. 40

Women Gaining Ground: Written submission on the draft of CEDAW General Recommendation no. 40

May 2024

This written submission is made on behalf of Women Gaining Ground (WGG), a Global South-led consortium of three organisations (CREA, Akili Dada, and IWRAW Asia Pacific) and 16 strategic partners with deep experience in feminist leadership, movement building, advocacy, and working with structurally excluded groups. WGG is collaborating in a five-year programme (2021-2025), in five priority countries – Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda – through in-country partners, several of whom are led by and support persons with disabilities and young women.

This submission provides commentary on the draft text of CEDAW General Recommendation 40, intending to highlight and focus on women with disabilities and young women.

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